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Tag searched: Bednarz, Karen
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D219 takes wait-and-see posture on athletic director 2005-01-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 20, 2005, p. 6 Codell, Neil, Silverman, Robert, Bednarz, Karen, Niles North High School, Crime and criminals - Drunk driving, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Swanson, Bradley, Costello, Karl
Contract hikes pay, costs for health care 2004-10-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 14, 2004, p. 10 Neighbors United to Preserve Our High Schools, Niles Township Federation of Teachers, Osburn, Kaine, Bednarz, Karen, Burman, Jeff, Grossman, Steve, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Montgomery, Dan, Contract negotiations, Yeggy, Gerry, Silverman, Robert, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Board, Knudsen, Tim
District 219 settlement keeps school in session 2004-10-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 7, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Niles Township Federation of Teachers, Osburn, Kaine, Silverman, Robert, Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Board, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Contract negotiations
Dist. 219 teachers set to strike after bargaining session ends in stalemate 2004-09-23 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 23, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Neighbors United to Preserve Our High Schools, Jennings, Wes, Niles Township Federation of Teachers, Osburn, Kaine, Silverman, Robert, Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 202 - Board, Burman, Jeff, Contract negotiations, Public School District 202 - Teachers and personnel
Teachers spotlight key issues at picket 2004-09-16 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 16, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Klint, Ruth, Niles Township Federation of Teachers, Osburn, Kaine, Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Board, Grossman, Steve, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Contract negotiations
D219, teachers find mediator 2004-08-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 26, 2004, p. 6 Jennings, Wes, Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Board, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Montgomery, Dan, Contract negotiations
Niles N. not up to state standards 2004-08-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 26, 2004, p. 5 Stein, Roger, Bednarz, Karen, Niles North High School, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Evaluations, No Child Left Behind Act, Illinois State Board of Education
SD 219 teachers' contract talks reach standstill 2004-08-05 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 5, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Niles Township Federation of Teachers, Illinois Education Labor Relations Board, Osburn, Kaine, Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Board, Scariano, Anthony, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Contract negotiations
Niles North exits eBay - but not without bidding 2004-06-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 17, 2004, p. 5 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Student activities, Niles North High School, Bednarz, Karen, eBay
Dist. 219 considers firing 6 teachers 2004-04-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 8, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 4 Budget and expenditures, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools), Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Montgomery, Dan
Schools stand up to Springfield, but no Life schools participate 2004-04-01 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 1, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Schools - Finances, Budget and expenditures, Better Funding for Better Schools Coalition, Bednarz, Karen, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools), Public School District 72 - Budget and expenditures, Armour, Nelson