Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
Mayors endorse casino profit sharing plan | 1995-09-07 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, September 7, 1995, p. 5 | Paris, Frank, Stephens, Donald, West Central Municipal Conference, Gambling and lotteries, Baley, Frank, Silvestri, Peter |
New electric billing means lower payment | 1995-06-01 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, June 1, 1995, p. 12 | Public utilities, Commonwealth Edison, South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, Northwest Municipal Conference, West Central Municipal Conference, Illinois Commerce Commission, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference |
Towns join to plan new area codes | 1995-03-02 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, March 2, 1995, p. 3 | Ameritech Corporation, Area codes, Northwest Municipal Conference, West Central Municipal Conference, South Suburban Mayors and Managers Conference, Rigoni, Al, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, Illinois Bell |