Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
Ash and township battle... | 1973-03-15 | Township officials admitted they spent taxpayers' money to publish material in favor of keeping township government. | The News, Thursday, March 15, 1973, p. 3 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Government - Niles Township, Ash, Leonard |
Election on, but spending off | 1973-03-29 | Court ruling prohibits Niles Township from spending more public funds on a campaign to preserve township government. | The News, Thursday, March 29, 1973, p. 5 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Government - Niles Township, Elections |
Election results | 1973-04-05 | Results of April 3rd election. | The News, Thursday, April 5, 1973, p. 4 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Elections, Politics - Township Improvement Party (TIP) |
It's high time | 1973-03-29 | Comments on April 3rd election. | The News, Thursday, March 29, 1973, p. 7 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Elections, Politics - Skokie Caucus Party, Politics - Township Improvement Party (TIP), Politics - Skokie Coalition Party |
Rules no appeal on town vote | 1972-11-02 | Illinois Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal on referendum to abolish township government. | The News, Thursday, November 2, 1972, p. 8 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Government - Niles Township, Illinois Supreme Court, League of Women Voters of Skokie-Lincolnwood |
SCOTS measures support: New movement to abolish township? | 1977-08-04 | Members of SCOTS are studying the feasibility of campaign to abolish Niles Township government. | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 4, 1977, Sec. 1, p. 12 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Beaver, Verna, Government - Niles Township |
SCOTS names full slate | 1973-01-11 | Some Citizens Opposing Township Spending (SCOTS) has diverse slate of candidates for April 3 township elections. | The News, Thursday, January 11, 1973, p. 1 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Elections, Niles Township |
SCOTS names full slate | 1973-01-11 | Verna Beaver heads SCOTS ticket as candidate for supervisor. | The News, Thursday, January 11, 1973, p. 1 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Beaver, Verna, Niles Township Board of Trustees - Elections |
SCOTS petitions challenged | 1973-02-08 | Township Improvement Party (TIP) challenging legitimacy of candidates of Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS). | The News, Thursday, February 8, 1973, p. 11 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Elections, Politics - Township Improvement Party (TIP) |
SCOTS promises court fight over township | 1972-09-21 | Referendum on abolishing Township government delayed due to legal technicalities. | The News, Thursday, September 21, 1972, p. 8 | Some Citizens Opposed to Township Spending (SCOTS), Government - Niles Township, Elections, League of Women Voters of Skokie-Lincolnwood |