Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
Long-time bus driver puts the brakes to beloved job | 1998-08-06 | None | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 6, 1998, Sec. 1, p. 1 | Employees, Weismehl, Herman, Vetter, Virginia, Robineau Assisted Living Residence, Retirement |
Senior housing to open in Skokie | 1981-05-21 | Robineau Residence, a facility for 24 older persons at Howard and Kostner, will be opened this fall by the Council for Jewish Elderly. | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 21, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 7 | Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE), Robineau Assisted Living Residence |