Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
Attempt to get on ballot: Twp. slates embroiled in legal struggles again | 1977-03-06 | Independent Township Caucus Party is protesting the electoral board ruling taking them off the ballot. | Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, March 6, 1977, Sec. 1, p. 1 | Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Elections |
Court fight in N. township: Petition battle today--seek ouster of clerk | 1977-02-17 | Electoral board will meet to hear complaints about nominating petitions of 2 Niles Township political slates. | The News, Thursday, February 17, 1977, p. 3 | Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Politics - Niles Township Service Township Party |
Eleventh hour for ITC | 1977-03-17 | Illinois Supreme Court agreed to hear case of Charles Anderson vs. Niles Township Electoral Board. | The News, Thursday, March 17, 1977, p. 3 | Anderson, Charles, Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Elections, Illinois Supreme Court |
GOP back on town ballot: High court reverses slate ouster decision | 1977-03-24 | Illinois Supreme Court ruled 7 members of the Independent Township Caucus Party must be put back on ballot for township board election. | The News, Thursday, March 24, 1977, p. 3 | Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Elections, Illinois Supreme Court |
GOP names town slate: Anderson to lead ITC slate in April 5 vote | 1977-01-27 | Newly formed Independent Township Caucus Party, the political banner for the Niles Township Republican Organization, announced its slate of candidates. | The News, Thursday, January 27, 1977, p. 3 | Anderson, Charles, Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Elections |
ITC set for 11th hour replacement | 1977-02-24 | The Independent Township Caucus is searching for another candidate in case one of the current candidates for Trustee is found to be ineligible. | The News, Thursday, February 24, 1977, p. 4 | Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Elections |
Township ticket dropped: ITC plans appeal of slate order | 1977-03-03 | Electoral Board ruled the nominating petitions of the ITC Party are not proper and the ticket should be removed from the ballot. | The News, Thursday, March 3, 1977, p. 3 | Steve Dale Szarvas, Politics - Independent Township Caucus, Government - Niles Township, Elections |