Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
$4.5 million set for OCC campus | 1971-06-03 | State earmarks $4.5 million for OCC. | The News, Thursday, June 3, 1971, p. 1 | Government - Illinois, Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures |
1996-97 OCC budget approved unanimously | 1996-06-27 | None | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 27, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 11 | Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, |
Adult ed budget stirs furor | 1981-07-23 | When the MONNACEP budget came up for ratification on OCC's board meeting, trustee William Spaulding asked for a "no" vote, stressing that he could not approve an unbalanced budget. The budget was approved by a vote of 4-3. | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 23, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 7 | Maine Oakton Niles Adult and Continuing Education Program (MONNACEP), Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, Adult education |
Bookkeeping discrepancy unexplained at OCC | 1981-02-12 | College officials have no explanation for a bookkeeping discrepancy of nearly $50,000. The amount stems from a double payment on two invoices to the same company. | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 12, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 2 | Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, |
Botched OCC budget is adopted anyway | 1971-09-30 | OCC budget is unbalanced but adopted by Trustees. | The News, Thursday, September 30, 1971, p. 3 | Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, |
Building costs boost record Oakton budget | 1993-07-15 | Oakton Community College has okayed a $66 million budget for 1993-94. | Skokie Review, Thursday, July 15, 1993, p. 6 - this citation is provided for research purposes, this issue of the Skokie Review is not available from the Skokie Public Library | Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, |
Classes start but taxes stay down | 1973-08-23 | Tax rate for OCC has been reduced for the third consecutive year. | The News, Thursday, August 23, 1973, p. 16 | Taxation - Property tax, Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures |
Enrollment drop hits revenue, budget plan | 1995-06-01 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, June 1, 1995, p. 5 | Hilquist, David, Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, Oakton Community College - Statistics |
Late billing forces OCC to anticipate | 1971-05-13 | Late property tax bills results in OCC selling $600,000 in tax anticipation warrants. | The News, Thursday, May 13, 1971, p. 7 | Taxation - Property tax, Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures |
New business manager attends stormy meeting | 1972-07-13 | New OCC business manager attends stormy budget session. | The News, Thursday, July 13, 1972, p. 2 | Oakton Community College - Budget and expenditures, |