Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
'This is probably the calm before the storm' | 2020-03-05 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 2020, p. 6 | Illinois Department of Public Health, Matthews, Jackie, Public School District 65 - Superintendent, Coronavirus infections (COVID-19), Ehrhardt, Phil, Illinois State Board of Education |
Local Jews, Skokie museum resolve to continue Holocaust education | 2020-10-01 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, October 1, 2020, p. 1, 10 | Education, Illinois Board of Education, New Trier High School, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Curriculum, Friedeman, Amanda, Silberman, Renee, Matthews, Jackie, Surveys and studies, Tragos, Peter, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Coronavirus infections (COVID-19), Anti-Semitism |