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Tag searched: Markina, Aleksandra
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When you're a JETS 1996-04-18 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 18, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 3 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Awards, prizes, etc., Markina, Aleksandra, Junior Engineering and Technological Society (JETS), Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Student activities, Scaria, George, Siargos, Barbara, Lee, Chrystel, Competitions, Paintal, Ajit, Bregman, Corey
Kudos 1995-06-01 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 1, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 3 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Awards, prizes, etc., Shlachter, Lisa, Gu, Yuedong, Junior Engineering and Technological Society (JETS), Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Student activities, Goldenstein, Leonard, Competitions, Lee, David, Paintal, Ajit, Pollak, Joel, Markina, Aleksandra
District 219 1995-05-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 25, 1995, p. 25 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Awards, prizes, etc., Gu, Yuedong, Junior Engineering and Technological Society (JETS), Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Student activities, Test of Engineering Aptitude Mathematics and Science (TEAMS), Niles North High School, Goldstein, Leonard, Paintal, Ajit, Lee, David, Schlachter, Lisa, Markina, Aleksandra