Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
Comedy a charming return to classic music style | 2000-12-21 | None | Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 21, 2000, Sec. 2, p. 1 | 'Enter the Guardsman', Lieberman, Iris, Clark, Kelly Anne, Reeger, John, New, David, Resnik, Hollis, Kross, Ed, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, Plays |
Northlight enlists weak 'Guardsman' | 2000-12-14 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, December 14, 2000, p. B6 | 'Enter the Guardsman', Lieberman, Iris, Northlight Theatre, Amster, Peter, Reeger, John, New, David, Resnik, Hollis, Wentworth, Scott, Plays |