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Tag searched: Koehnline, Phyllis
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Nazi march fight still reverberates 2002-08-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 1, 2002, p. 3 Skokie - History, Smith, Albert J., National Socialist Party of America, Niles Township Clergy Forum, Van Dusen, George, Brief, Rabbi Neil, Collin, Frank, Silbert, Jack, Koehnline, Phyllis, Schwartz, Harvey
Skokie honored for '77 stand 2002-08-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 1, 2002, p. 3 Skokie - History, Schwartz, Harvey, Freedom and Courage Award, Gould, Shayna, Van Dusen, George, Awards, prizes, etc., Koehnline, Phyllis, Achdus Foundation, Jewish Broadcasting Network
After a full life her pastorate is now frosting on the cake 1977-03-10 Article on Phyllis Koehnline, pastor of Evanshire United Presbyterian Church. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 10, 1977, Sec. 2, p. 8 Religion - Christianity, Evanshire Presbyterian Church, Koehnline, Phyllis
Phyllis Koehnline to be ordained a minister at Skokie church Sunday 1977-02-17 Phyllis Koehnline will be ordained a minister of the United Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The News, Thursday, February 17, 1977, p. 20 Religion - Christianity, Evanshire Presbyterian Church, Koehnline, Phyllis