Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
100-year-young Skokie man 'just hired | 2009-07-30 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, July 30, 2009, p. 7 | Aged, Heftman, Harry |
2009: Photographs of the year | 2010-01-07 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, January 7, 2010 , p. 10 | Ardell, Lila, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Athletics, Devonshire Elementary School, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, Heftman, Harry, Holidays and celebrations - New Year's, Sports - Basketball, Public School District 68 - Student activities, Kim, Jayne, East Prairie School, Public School District 73 - Student activities, Oseland, Brook, Niles West High School, Lam, Steven, Girls Empowered by Math and Science (GEMS) |
Students celebrate Harry's special birthday | 2009-02-26 | None | Skokie Review, Thursday, February 26, 2009, p. 7 | Ardell, Lila, Devonshire Elementary School, Anniversaries and birthdays, Heftman, Harry, Public School District 68 - Student activities |