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Tag searched: Dela Cruz, Samantha
Title Date Summary Source Tags
Highlandpalooza turns school into fun and games 2013-03-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 21, 2013 , p. 11 Highlandpalooza, Dela Cruz, Samantha, Sierra-Arana, Samuel, Humbert, Tom, Jeong, Janice, Highland Elementary School, Public School District 68 - Student activities, Humbert, Stella, Humbert, Lincoln
McCracken students walk for orphanage in Africa 2011-06-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 9, 2011 , p. 8 Oliver McCracken Middle School, Dela Cruz, Samantha, Public School District 73 1/2 - Student activities, Aiding Children Together (A.C.T.), Shearer, Violet, Fundraising and fundraisers, Ciok, Jennifer, Nizynski, Shelley, Crane, Megan