Title | Date | Summary | Source | Tags |
Students' murder marked | 1994-09-01 | The 1979 murders of Eyvonne Bender and Susan Ovington are still unsolved. | Skokie Review, Thursday, September 1, 1994, p. 3 | Crime and criminals - Murder, Bender, Eyvonne, Ovington, Susan |
Motive unknown for double murder: MG cops investigate shootings | 1979-09-09 | The bodies of Eyvonne Bender and Susan Ovington were found in St. Paul Woods. | Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, September 9, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 | Crime and criminals - Murder, Bender, Eyvonne, Ovington, Susan, Saltzman, Paul |