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Tag searched: Travis, Joan Schiller
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Staff salaries set 1997-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 1997, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Travis, Joan Schiller, Klopfer, Gail Jones, Municipal employees, Dubrow, Herb, Mueller, Henry E., Rigoni, Al, Salaries
Attorney courting onstage avocation 1987-08-01 Skokie resident Joan Schiller Travis was sworn in as one of Skokie's four assistant corporation counsels. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Saturday, August 1, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Travis, Joan Schiller, Municipal employees
Consumers want cans marked 1983-11-24 Joan Travis, chairman of the Consumers Affairs Commission, asked the Village Board to consider her request to require price marking on individual cans in grocery stores as opposed to shelf marking. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 24, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Ordinances, Travis, Joan Schiller, Business - Grocery stores