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Tag searched: Skokie Board of Trustees
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Evanston and Skokie reach settlement over water rates 2021-04-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 22, 2021, p. 10 Evanston, Tennes, Ann, Skokie Board of Trustees, Litigation, Skokie, Water supply, Van Dusen, George, Hagerty, Stephen
Skokie anticipates federal grants for village projects 2021-02-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 18, 2021 p. 5 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, North Shore Senior Center, Van Dusen, George, Children’s Advocacy Center of Northwest Cook County, Community development, Coronavirus infections (COVID-19), Skokie Board of Trustees, Asian Human Services, Community Development Block Grants, Center for Enriched Living, Roberts, Randall, Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE), Haberstich, Carrie, CARES Act, Metropolitan Family Services, Housing, Skokie - City Planning
Skokie approves tax break for new industrial facility 2020-11-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 26, 2020 p. 8 Castwell Products Inc., Taxation - Property tax, Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bridge Industrial Acquisitions LLC., Business - Manufacturing, Buildings, Construction, Roberts, Randall, Community development
Officials hope to debut library renovations in the spring 2020-10-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 29, 2020, p. 5 Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Robinson, Christie, Skokie Public Library - Expansion and renovation, Coronavirus infections (COVID-19)
Skokie seeks federal reimbursement for coronavirus-related expenses 2020-09-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 17, 2020, p. 4 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Tennes, Ann, Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, CARES Act, Coronavirus infections (COVID-19)
Skokie residents will see slight increase in water rates 2020-09-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 10, 2020, p. 10 Evanston, Skokie Board of Trustees, Water supply, Prendi, Julian, Skokie
Skokie village board passes resolution calling for the prohibition of nuclear weapons as part of local push 2020-08-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 27, 2020, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Roberts, Randall
Skokie to use $100,000 in grant money to protect residents from eviction 2020-08-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 27, 2020, p. 5 Skokie Community Fund, Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Roberts, Randall, Coronavirus infections (COVID-19)
Niles Township Food Pantry establishes composting program 2020-08-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 13, 2020, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Niles Township Food Pantry, Ognisanti, Bonnie Kahn, Jones, Bruce, Lorge, Michael
Skokie looks to add regulations to short-term rental policy 2020-03-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 12, 2020, p. 15 Brandmeyer, Matt, Zoning, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Van Dusen, George, Taxation, Community development, Laws and regulations
Five new bike shelters coming to Skokie CTA stations this summer 2020-03-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 2020, p. 7 CTA Yellow Line, Renovation and repair, Cook, Erik P., Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie bike path, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Community development
Plans approved for new Lincoln Junior High 2020-01-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 30, 2020, p. 1, 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Clauson, Margaret, Lawrence, Nathaniel, Lincoln Junior High School, Public School District 69 - Budget and expenditures, Public School District 69 - Buildings
Recreational marijuana, new development come to Skokie 2019-12-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 26, 2019, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Community development, Cannabis
Skokie residents can address village's future at upcoming forum 2019-10-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 31, 2019, p. 7 Tennes, Ann, Skokie Board of Trustees, Community development, Skokie Police Department
Does Skokie have a litter problem? 2019-10-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 3, 2019, p. 15 Sutker, Edie Sue, Burman, Jeffrey, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Litter Task Force, Van Dusen, George
Skokie intersections to receive traffic signs 2016-08-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August, 18, 2016, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Streets, Cook, Eric
With the help of drones, Skokie to begin inspecting cell antennas 2019-04-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 25, 2019, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Lorge, Michael
Water rate hike approved by board 2017-07-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 27, 2017, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Taxation, Water supply, Prendi, Julian
Two receive inaugural humanitarian honor 2017-06-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 15, 2017, p. 6 Pharmore Drugs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Goldfeder, Avi, Evanston Subaru, Paddor, Rob, Humanitarian of the Year, Awards, prizes, etc.
TIF reimbursement grant trustees approved paves way for seven new town homes in Skokie 2018-12-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 6, 2018, p. 8 Murphy, Leslie, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Varda, Tony, Illinois Science and Technology Park
Skokie Village Board renews agreement with North Shore Convention, Visitor Bureau 2015-07-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 30, 2015, p.7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Chicago North Shore Convention and Visitor Bureau, Speckman, Gina, Van Dusen, George
Skokie to raise water rates by 7.5% 2018-07-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 19, 2018, p. 6 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Schmidt, Bill, Water supply, Taxation
Skokie poised to increase water rate for residents 2019-07-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 18, 2019, p. 7 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Water supply, Taxation
Skokie participates in program to provide free rain barrels to residents 2015-08-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 27, 2015, p.8 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD), Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie opts in 2017-07-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 13, 2017, p. 1 Schakowsky, Janice 'Jan', Skokie Board of Trustees, Salaries
Skokie nonprofits make their case for grant funding 2019-01-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 31, 2019, p. 6 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Parr, Mark, Hodges, Marlene, Community Development Block Grants, Van Dusen, George, Social agencies, Haberstich, Carrie
Skokie mayor says goodbye to Don Perille 2016-09-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September, 29, 2016, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Human Relations Commission, Fair Housing Act
Skokie honors hometown blues artist 2018-01-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 18, 2018, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Clearwater, Eddy 'The Chief', Memorials, tributes, and remembrances
Skokie Fire Department again achieves top rating 2016-09-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September, 29, 2016, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Walter, Jim, Insurance Services Office, Inc., Van Dusen, George, Skokie Fire Department, Commission on Fire Accreditation International
Skokie drops recent proposal to opt out of minimum wage ordinance 2019-06-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 6, 2019, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Ruzicka, Shelly, Birkhahn-Rommelfanger, B.J., Van Dusen, George, Salaries, Lorge, Michael
Skokie CTA stations to get new bike shelters, improved sidewalks 2019-06-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 13, 2019, p. 6 CTA Yellow Line, Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Cook, Erik P., Transportation, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Skokie clears way for potential recreational marijuana dispensaries 2019-09-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 12, 2019, p. 17 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Peyer, Pete, Community development, Cannabis
Skokie bans 'sweepstakes' gaming machines 2019-05-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 2, 2019, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Gambling and lotteries, Ordinances, Illinois Gaming Board, Lorge, Michael M., Taglia, Jim, Vadopalas, Peter
Skokie adopts program to help with private sewer repairs 2015-01-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 22, 2015, p.7 Slankard, Max, Skokie Public Works Department, Skokie Board of Trustees
School additions get commission backing 2016-08-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August, 18, 2016, p. 12 Elizabeth Meyer School, Dolinko, Gary, Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, John Middleton Elementary School, Skokie Planning Department, Public School District 73 1/2
Redesigned parking lot opens at Illinois Holocaust Museum 2016-10-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 20, 2016, p. 7 Suffredin, Lawrence 'Larry', Skokie Board of Trustees, Schwager, Eric, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, Parking
Rabbi 'stood by those who were oppressed' 2017-11-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 9, 2017, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Brief, Rabbi Neil, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances
Mosque to open in building that previously housed a VFW post in Skokie 2019-08-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 15, 2019, p. 7 Madinat ul Uloom, Skokie Board of Trustees, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3854, Skokie Plan Commission, Mosques, Van Dusen, George, Community development
Improvements are 'desperately needed' 2019-05-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 23, 2019, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cook, Erik, Old Orchard Road, Streets - Maintenance and repair
ComEd plans upgrade in Skokie 2016-09-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September, 29, 2016, p. 8 Commonwealth Edison, Skokie Board of Trustees, Saef, Sidney, Cavallero, Carlo, Skokie Plan Commission, Church Street
Bike path pedals forward with Skokie, water district pact 2016-08-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 11, 2016, p. 14 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD), Howard Street bike path, Skokie Board of Trustees
Arts Commission names artists of the year 2018-06-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 14, 2018, p. 10 Award for Artistic Excellence, Barish, Ellen Blum, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Gabarini, Pam, Awards, prizes, etc., Blutza, Steven
Artists of the year 2018-06-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 14, 2018, p. 1 Award for Artistic Excellence, Barish, Ellen Blum, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Awards, prizes, etc.
Airbnb rentals to face same tax rate as hotels 2019-02-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 28, 2019, p. 9 Business - Hotels and motels, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Peyer, Pete, Community development
Citing declining sales tax revenue, Skokie trustees pass budget 2019-06-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 27, 2019, p. 5 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Van Dusen, George, Taxation
Skokie's insurance covers terrorism 2019-04-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 18, 2019, p. 7 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Tennes, Ann, Prottsman, Debra, Skokie Board of Trustees
New term begins for Village Board members 2017-04-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 27, 2017, p. 6 Sutker-Dermer, Shelley, Meyer, Barbara, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ulrich, Ilonka, Elections, Roberts, Randy, Klein, Ralph, Van Dusen, George, Jacobus, Moshe, Sutker, Edie Sue
Don Perille 1928-2016 : Longtime village trustee and plan commission chair 2016-09-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September, 22, 2016, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Roberts, Randy, Van Dusen, George, Bromberg, Michele, North Suburban Healthcare Foundation, Greisdorf, Mike, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Perille, Donald, Death
Village board gives C.A.R.E. final OK 2016-09-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September, 15, 2016, p. 8 Animal shelters, Community Animal Rescue Effort, Gelb, Linda, Schueler, Ben, Meyer, Howard, Paddor, Rob, Community Development Director, Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Peyer, Peter, C.A.R.E.
Signs of spring 2016-04-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 28, 2016, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Property Owners' Certificates of Appreciation Awards, Soco, Ferdinand
Village freezes property tax levy for 25th straight year 2015-12-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 31, 2015, p.8 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Geem, George
Village delivers landlord-tenant law update 2014-09-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 18, 2014 , p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Marzigliano, Joseph, Skokie Independent Landlord Association (SILA), Housing - Apartment buildings, Landlord-Resident Advisory Committee, Residential Rental Unit Standards and Neighborhood Integrity Ordinance
Skokie Village Board approve 2014-15 budget 2014-06-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 19, 2014 , p. 11 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village celebrates downtown Skokie for three days 2014-06-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 12, 2014 , p. 6 Downtown Skokie Merchants Association, Skokie Board of Trustees, Kalmes, Gloria, Fairs and festivals, Schlauder, Pat, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Marge's Flowers and Gifts Inc., Miles, Randy
Skokie increases fuel tax, vehicle sticker fee 2014-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 2014 , p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Taxation
Skokie $53 million draft budget reflects rare deficit 2014-04-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 17, 2014 , p. 8 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie plans to add police staff in wake of report 2014-04-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 10, 2014 , p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Melekian, Dr. Bernard, Dunsky, Marda, Roberts, Randy, Skokie Police Department
Skokie extends pact with North Shore Center for the Performing Arts 2014-03-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 13, 2014 , p. 11 Tennes, Ann, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts
Meeting Notes 2008-09-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 25, 2008, p. 9 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library - Expansion and renovation, Parking
Skokie's stormwater system helps control rain but can't contain deluge 2008-09-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 25, 2008, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Floods, Rigoni, Al
Library gets OK for parking expansion 2008-09-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 11, 2008, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie Public Library - Expansion and renovation, Parking
Eminent domain case settled on property for CTA station 2008-09-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 11, 2008, p. 3 D and E Auto Service, Skokie Swift, Eminent domain, Lincoln Auto Sales, Hong, Myung, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Business - Automobile dealerships, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Hanley, J. Patrick, Hong, Lena, Skokie Board of Trustees
Meeting Notes 2008-09-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 11, 2008, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Car wash, repair facility approved 2008-09-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 11, 2008, p. 10 Business - Car washes, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Village Board briefs 2008-08-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 28, 2008, p. 9 Shelton, Brandi, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Police Department
Board Briefs 2008-08-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 7, 2008, p. 6 Hedegard, James M., Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Swenson, Roy, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, George, Thankamma, Skokie Board of Trustees, Topouzian, Dr. Nancy, Skokie Human Services Department, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Memis-Foler, Rabbi Amy L., Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Israel, Karyn, Salaries
Districts to get own resource officers 2008-08-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 7, 2008, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 69 - Teachers and personnel, Public School District 68 - Teachers and personnel, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel
Building code changes approved by trustees 2008-07-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 10, 2008, p. 5 Building laws and regulations, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, McCabe, Frank
Meeting Notes 2008-07-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 10, 2008, p. 11 Pitalis, Paul, Skokie - Board of Health, Rosenberg, Marion, Shah, Mike, Lipin, Lisa, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Pandya, Lopa, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Chorney, Marla, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Easwaran, Ashok
Meeting Notes 2008-07-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 3, 2008, p. 4 Centre East Authority, Pillai, Anil, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Fire Department, Bylak, Christopher, Horowitz, Dayla, Skokie Police Department, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Tennes, Ann, Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal buildings, Jones, David
Main Street senior center approved 2008-07-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 3, 2008, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Aged, McCabe, Frank, Apna Ghar
Additional street work added to village budget 2008-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 2008, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Gelder, Michael, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Meeting Notes 2008-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 2008, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Curley, Kirsten, Hostalet, Gabriel, North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, WBBM, Gerenrot, Igor, Advertising, signs and sign boards
Skokie to receive its own emergency radio station 2008-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 2008, p. 5 WQIQ672, Skokie Board of Trustees, Radio and radio broadcasting, Emergency preparedness, Rigoni, Al
Skokie trustees set to discuss ways to save historic buildings 2008-05-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 22, 2008, p. 7 Kellar, Peggy, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Lanes, Historic buildings
Meeting Notes 2008-05-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 22, 2008, p. 6 McCarron, Dr. Edward, Koziol, Katarzyna, Bulucos, Donald J., Folise, Joseph J., Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Skokie Police Department, Garbarini, Pamela, Imeri, Afrim, Schell, Margaret, Skokie Public Art Advisory Committee, Dorf, Michael C., Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara
New public art approved for property next to park 2008-05-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 22, 2008, p. 5 Art, Skokie Public Art Advisory Committee, Veterans Park, Skokie Board of Trustees, Baur, Mike, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Rigoni, Al, Miles, Randy
Village decides on grants under 2008-09 budget 2008-05-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 22, 2008, p. 12 Fourth of July Parade Committee, Niles Township Food Pantry, Grants, Centre East Inc., Backlot Bash, Skokie Art Guild, Prendi, Julian, Skokie Theater Music Foundation (formerly Cavalcade of Music Foundation), Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Festival of Cultures, Skokie Park District, Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra
Funds allocated to help first-time home buyers 2008-05-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 8, 2008, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, First Time Home Buyers Program, Rigoni, Al, Thompson, Tom
Roadway projects take step forward 2008-05-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 1, 2008, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Boulevard, Old Orchard Road, Rigoni, Al, Golf Road, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Village grants credit line for Centre East 2008-04-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 24, 2008, p. 5 Tennes, Ann, Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Centre East Inc., Nowak, Robert, Rigoni, Al
Meeting Notes 2008-04-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 10, 2008, p. 6 Rochford, Elizabeth M., Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Callistein, Sylvia, Jones, Robert L., Nudelman, Melvin D., McCabe, Frank, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Siegel, Andrea
Taxi fare hike OK'd in Skokie 2008-04-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 10, 2008, p. 5 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John
Ida Crown school plans move to Skokie's Rand McNally site 2008-04-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 3, 2008, p. 5 Real estate, Ida Crown Jewish Academy, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 73 1/2 - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Plan Commission, Cohen, Cynthia, Rand McNally and Co., Matanky, Rabbi Leonard
Recycling pickups to be weekly 2008-03-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 20, 2008, p. 6 Recycling, Skokie Board of Trustees, Veolia, Groot Recycling and Waste Services Inc.
Meeting Notes 2008-03-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 20, 2008, p. 6 Levin, Gerri, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Centre East Authority, Community Development Block Grants, Skokie Fire Department, Eschner, Nicholas, Rigoni, Al, Faber, Eric, Zoning
Board hires architect for police station 2008-03-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 20, 2008, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sente Rubel Bosman Lee Architects, Ltd., Municipal buildings, Silverberg, Barry, Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al
Temporary zoning panel formed to study comprehensive plan 2008-03-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 20, 2008, p. 10 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Skokie - City planning, Hanley, J. Patrick
Meeting Notes 2008-03-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 6, 2008, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Trustees urging state to improve pension funding 2008-03-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 6, 2008, p. 5 Government - Illinois, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rigoni, Al
Meeting Notes 2008-02-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 28, 2008, p. 6 Assist a Family, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Skokie Firefighters Benevolent Fund, SSA (special-service area)
Meeting Notes 2008-02-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 14, 2008, p. 9 Castro, Carmen, Meyer, Howard S., Skokie Human Relations Commission, Centre East Authority, Netolicky, Brian, Skokie Fire Department, Souers, Rhona, SSA (special-service area), Abelman, Jules, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Public Library, Gross, Sheila, Skokie Board of Trustees, Yampol, Debra, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Coney, James, Skokie Police Department, Skokie Appearance Commission, Ordinances, Ray, Allen L., Hagedorn, Jane, Gilani, Sheila
Seized cars can now cost owner $500 2008-02-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 14, 2008, p. 6 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Scarpelli, Anthony, Silverberg, Barry, Gelder, Michael, Skokie Police Department, Baker, Brian
Trustees primed for vote on special service area 2008-01-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 17, 2008, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, SSA (special-service area), Thompson, Tom
New Dodge storage area OK'd by Village Board 2008-01-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 10, 2008, p. 9 Sherman Dodge, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Emily Oaks Nature Center, Skokie Park District, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile dealerships
Village to mull compromise for cabbies still burdened by ban 2008-01-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 10, 2008, p. 5 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Sampat, Prateek, Parking
New developer enters talks for downtown development 2008-01-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 3, 2008, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Desiree Restaurant, Lasting Memories, Prinmar Corporation, Skokie - City planning, Van Dusen, George, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Avalon Bay Communities, Inc., Cummins, Guy
Trustees sign off on Dempster retail center 2007-12-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 27, 2007, p. 7 Gross Point Road, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Banks and banking, McCabe, Frank, Dempster Street, Gelder, Michael, Business - Shopping centers, Perille, Donald
2007 year in review: Strides amid difficulties in 2007 2007-12-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 27, 2007, p. 5 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Awards, prizes, etc., Alltown Bus Co., Public School District 73 1/2 - Buildings, Backlot Bash, McTague, Ryan, Schechter, Gail, Knudsen, Tim, Oliver McCracken Middle School, Dahlquist, Michael J., Niles West High School, Skokie Board of Trustees, Sliwinski, Jeanette, Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network, National School Boards Association Award, Skokie Police Department, Taxi cabs, Osburn, Kaine, Sports - Cricket, Anniversaries and birthdays, Positive Connections, Burnett, Michael Wolf, Stein, Roger, Niles North High School, Codell, Neil, Meis, Douglas R., Evans, Carlton, Glick, John R., Interfaith Housing Center of the Northern Suburbs, Gatta, Nanciann, Trees and plants, Skokie Park District, Parking, Vogler, Dale, Government - Skokie, Crime and criminals - Murder, Traffic accidents, School children - Transportation
Taxicab parking ban loosened 2007-12-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 20, 2007, p. 5 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Sampat, Prateek, Roberts, Randall, Decker, Michael, Poe, Robert, Parking, Gelder, Michael, Ducan, Felix
Meeting Notes 2007-12-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 13, 2007, p. 7 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Laxpati, Dakshes
Trustees continue tax levy freeze 2007-12-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 13, 2007, p. 3 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nowak, Robert
New retail development OK'd for Touhy Avenue 2007-12-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 6, 2007, p. 5 Luke, Paul, Touhy Centre, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Shopping centers
Meeting Notes 2007-11-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 22, 2007, p. 9 Noodles & Company, Smith, Daniel, Ordinances, Starbuck's, Centre East Authority, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Church Street Synagogue, Inc., Skokie Fire Department, Sajovic, Henry, Laxpati, Dakshes, Greifer, Nick, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Village Board 2007-11-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 15, 2007, p. 4 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holden, Walter, Kucera, Thomas, Clearwater, Eddy 'The Chief', Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Awards, prizes, etc., Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Katz, Fern
Compromise on taxi parking OK'd 2007-11-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 8, 2007, p. 5 Taxi cabs, Sayad, Ilyas, Lockerby, John, Roberts, Randall, Decker, Michael, Van Dusen, George, Parking, Gelder, Michael, Syed, Shahid, Schechter, Gail, Skokie Board of Trustees
Board Briefs 2007-11-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 1, 2007, p. 6 Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Pease, Adam, Bain, Dr. Alan, Sood, Romil, Skokie Fire Department, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Davis, Leona, Greifer, Nick, Skokie Appearance Commission, Claus, Marcie, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Lemaine, Carl, Skokie Board of Trustees
Starbucks patio seating approved 2007-10-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 25, 2007, p. 9 Gaynor, Leah, Kane, Sheldon, Skokie Board of Trustees, Starbuck's, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Slice of Life, McCabe, Frank
Trustees move ahead with ban on lighters 2007-10-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 11, 2007, p. 6 Safety devices and measures, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Huckleberry, Lowell, Silverberg, Barry, Gelder, Michael, Rigoni, Al, Czerwinski, Ralph
Skokie Blvd. project approved 2007-10-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 11, 2007, p. 16 Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Boulevard, Skokie - City planning, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
Board approves downtown plan 2007-09-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 13, 2007, p. 5 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Novello, William, Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie - City planning, Marciani, Steve, Gelder, Michael, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Miles, Randy
Law to permit seizure of scofflaws' vehicles 2007-09-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 13, 2007, p. 21 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Silverberg, Barry, Baker, Brian, Skokie Police Department
Salaries settled for key village officials 2007-09-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 13, 2007, p. 21 Piper, Harry, Van Dusen, George, Municipal employees, Williams, Marlene, Dubrow, Herb, Mueller, Henry E., Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick, Salaries, Luke, Sylvia, Skokie Board of Trustees, Mangler, Barbara
Trustees approve red-light cameras 2007-09-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 13, 2007, p. 11 Traffic signals, Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Silverberg, Barry, Skokie Police Department, Pechter, Michael
Compromise inspires OK for outdoor dining 2007-08-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 23, 2007, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Curragh Irish Pub
Tax incentive supported for industrial property 2007-08-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 16, 2007, p. 8 LSL Industries, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Manufacturing, Cook County Assessor, Thompson, Tom
Board votes to reconsider outdoor dining for pub 2007-08-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 16, 2007, p. 8 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Business - Restaurants and caterers, McCabe, Frank, Curragh Irish Pub, Van Dusen, George, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald
Board backs prohibition on lighter sales to minors 2007-08-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 2, 2007, p. 6 Safety devices and measures, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Huckleberry, Lowell, Silverberg, Barry, Gelder, Michael, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Pub must go without outdoor dining area 2007-07-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 19, 2007, p. 6 Izvanario, Constantine, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Curragh Irish Pub, Leongas, Paul, Van Dusen, George, Rick's Place, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Hanley, J. Patrick, Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission, McCabe, Frank, Hosfield, Jim
Board authorizes purchase of land for new police station 2007-07-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 19, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sente Rubel Bosman Lee Architects, Ltd., Perille, Donald, Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Church seeks special use after Dempster move 2007-07-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 19, 2007, p. 11 Zoning, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Hope Christian Church, Skokie Plan Commission, McCabe, Frank, Parking, Gelder, Michael
Trustees back new officer for District 219 2007-07-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 5, 2007, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 69 - Teachers and personnel, Public School District 68 - Teachers and personnel, Villamil, Elizabeth, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Teachers and personnel, Silverberg, Barry, Skokie Police Department
Village seeks properties for CTA station project 2007-06-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 21, 2007, p. 6 Skokie Swift, Eminent domain, Skokie Board of Trustees, Transportation, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Hanley, J. Patrick
Board action delays hookah lounge plans 2007-06-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 21, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Health Department (formerly Skokie Public Health Department), Huckleberry, Lowell, Business, Saqlain, Abdul, Smoking, Noorani, Farhan
Board OKs new liquor licenses 2007-06-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 14, 2007, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Alcohol, Hanley, J. Patrick
Luxury apartments slated for downtown 2007-06-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 7, 2007, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Skokie - City planning, Housing - Apartment buildings, Van Dusen, George, Avalon Bay Communities, Inc.
Fiscal help granted for facade upgrade 2007-05-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 24, 2007, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Buildings, Downtown Facade Assistance Program, Thompson, Tom
Fines for parking hiked by trustees 2007-05-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 24, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking, Gelder, Michael, Silverberg, Barry, Rigoni, Al
Police, fire face new mandatory retirement 2007-05-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 10, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Jones, David, Skokie Fire Department, Silverberg, Barry, Gelder, Michael, Skokie Police Department, Czerwinski, Ralph, Retirement
Developer field narrows as downtown plans form 2007-05-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 3, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Chiles, Carol, Skokie - City planning, Van Dusen, George, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Illinois Science and Technology Park, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick, Miles, Randy
Downtown fest gets green light by board 2007-04-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 26, 2007, p. 6 Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Fairs and festivals, Skokie Park District, Tuft, Michelle, Schneiderman, Mark, Backlot Bash, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Miles, Randy
New public art program OK'd by Village Board 2007-04-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 26, 2007, p. 5 Art, Skokie Public Art Advisory Committee, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Proposed sales tax change spurs need for lobbyist 2007-04-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 19, 2007, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Government - Illinois, Pollack, Michael, Taxation - Sales tax, Van Dusen, George, Rigoni, Al, Illinois Municipal League
Local hero honored at Village Board meeting 2007-04-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 12, 2007, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Policape, Jean, Walters, Jim, Czerwinski, Ralph
Village promises new bank will be safe for neighbors 2007-04-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 12, 2007, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Brickyard Bank, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Banks and banking, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Meeting Notes 2007-04-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 12, 2007, p. 11 Bud, Manny, Eingorn, David, Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Quraishi, Zia, Kucera, Thomas, Skokie Fire Department, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, Von Samek, Randie, Greenwood, Michael, Kelly, Joan, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission
Trustee wants tougher ban on smoking 2007-04-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 5, 2007, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Gelder, Michael, Hanley, J. Patrick, Smoking
Village, CTA pact OK'd for Skokie Swift project 2007-03-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 22, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Transportation, Roberts, Randall, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Illinois Science and Technology Park
Orchard Village plan rejected by trustees 2007-03-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 8, 2007, p. 6 WilPower, Inc., Orchard Village, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Vail, Jim, McCabe, Frank, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Sutker, Edie Sue, Housing - Group homes
Developers state plans for village's downtown 2007-03-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 1, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - City planning, Illinois Science and Technology Park, Rigoni, Al, Thompson, Tom
Study: Multifamily zones hampering development 2007-03-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 1, 2007, p. 5 Luke, Paul, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing
Meeting Notes 2007-02-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 22, 2007, p. 6 Skokie Human Relations Commission, Lopez, Alfredo, Grayless, Monica, Merrill, Gary H., Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, SSA (special-service area), Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Clark, Ann, Zoning, Desmond, Nancy, Skokie Board of Trustees, Liberman, Arnold, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Dougan, Walter, Perlin, Richard, Coney, James, Skokie Police Department, Skokie Appearance Commission, Young, Fran, Ordinances
Village switches dial to radio for new promotion campaign 2007-02-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 22, 2007, p. 5 Tennes, Ann, Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Radio and radio broadcasting, Thompson, Tom
Tougher smoking ban placed on hold for now 2007-02-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 15, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Huckleberry, Lowell, Van Dusen, George, Gordon, Lloyd, Smoking
Community agencies divide village grants 2007-02-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 8, 2007, p. 8 WilPower, Inc., Harbour, Inc., Thresholds, North Shore Senior Center, Grants, Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR), Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Thompson, Tom, Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, Community Development Block Grants, Center for Enriched Living, SHORE Community Services, Inc., Access to Care, PEER Services
Trustees sign off on daycare site plan 2007-02-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 8, 2007, p. 6 Sidewalks, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Varda, Yadegar, Swift Child Care, Business, Varda, Annosh
Village marks 50 years of government with manager 2007-02-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 8, 2007, p. 5 Lockerby, John, Van Dusen, George, Municipal employees, Hanson, Wayne, Folise, Joe, Williams, Marlene, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances, Gorell, Jacqueline, Government - Skokie, Clark, Ann, Tennes, Ann, Schwartz, Harvey, Skokie Board of Trustees
Meeting Notes 2007-01-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 25, 2007, p. 9 Sampat, Pratap, Ordinances, Lemaine, Carl, Skokie Board of Trustees, Reeder, Richard, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Laxpati, Dakshes, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission
Village Board approves tech park economic pact 2007-01-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 25, 2007, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., SSA (special-service area), TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Illinois Science and Technology Park, Rigoni, Al
CDBG funding requests forcing tough decisions 2007-01-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 18, 2007, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Social agencies, Community development, Thompson, Tom
Eminent domain suit product of frustrated village, land owners 2007-01-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 11, 2007, p. 8 Tarshis, Avery, Donian, Susan, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Donian, Daniel Lee, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick, Value Transmission Center
Skokie officials pursue building police station 2007-01-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 4, 2007, p. 5 Sente Rubel Bosman Lee Architects, Ltd., Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal buildings, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Police Department
Morton Grove bonds will support Holocaust Museum 2006-12-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 21, 2006, p. 8 Hirschhaut, Richard, Museums, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Morton Grove, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Trustees OK active pursuit of downtown development 2006-12-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 21, 2006, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Skokie - City planning, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Downtown Development Committee, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Perille, Donald, Illinois Science and Technology Park, Rigoni, Al, Miles, Randy
Eminent domain OK'd for property near Skokie Swift 2006-12-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 21, 2006, p. 11 Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Roberts, Randall, Hanley, J. Patrick
$15.5 million levy shows no increase 2006-12-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 7, 2006, p. 5 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nowak, Robert
Tech park master plan OK'd 2006-12-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 7, 2006, p. 5 Farris, Gayle, Skokie Board of Trustees, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Traffic, Roberts, Randall, Van Dusen, George, Parking, Illinois Science and Technology Park
Downtown incentives approved by trustees 2006-11-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 30, 2006, p. 8 Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - City planning, Downtown Facade Assistance Program, Parking, Rigoni, Al, Thompson, Tom, Skokie Appearance Commission
Cat limit ordinance gains final approval 2006-11-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 30, 2006, p. 5 Pets, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Bromberg, Michelle, Huckleberry, Lowell, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald
Trustees give support to expanding carnival 2006-11-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 30, 2006, p. 16 Skokie Board of Trustees, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Skokie Park District, Schneiderman, Mark, Schools, Van Dusen, George, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Perille, Donald, Miles, Randy
Developer eyes incentives for industrial site 2006-11-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 30, 2006, p. 11 Weiss Properties, Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Cook County Assessor, Taxation, Thompson, Tom
Trustees put hold on planned daycare center 2006-11-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 23, 2006, p. 5 Cox, James, Novello, William, Varda, Yadegar, Swift Child Care, Business, Dubrow, Herb, Perille, Donald, Varda, Annosh, Miles, Randy, Stasica, Lawrence, Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Paradise, Morton
Facade grant approved for Oakton Street retail 2006-11-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 23, 2006, p. 11 Metropolitan Development Enterprises, Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Downtown Facade Assistance Program, Oakton Street, TIF (Tax Increment Financing)
Sleep lab approved in village 2006-11-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 16, 2006, p. 5 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Shives, Dr. Lisa, Skokie Plan Commission, Williams, Moses, Business, North Shore Sleep Solutions
Skokie sets limit on house cats 2006-10-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 19, 2006, p. 5 Pets, Arbizzani, Hannah, Irwin, Christine, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Pines, Beverly, Huckleberry, Lowell, McCabe, Frank, Gelder, Michael
Open house will honor firefighters 2006-10-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 5, 2006, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Heritage Museum, Anniversaries and birthdays, Skokie Fire Department
Zoning code changes approved by trustees 2006-09-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 21, 2006, p. 8 Zoning, Luke, Paul, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Skokie Plan Commission, Hanson, Wayne
Village awards IMODS grant for downtown 2006-09-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 7, 2006, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Grants, Skokie - City planning, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Perille, Donald, Miles, Randy
Meeting Notes 2006-09-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 7, 2006, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Pryst, Joseph, Leos, Jose, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Kornblith, Gordon, Skokie Fire Department, Camnitzer, Henry, Skokie Police Department, Alter, Michael
Citizen heroes honored by Skokie Village Board 2006-08-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 24, 2006, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Hagberg, Scott, Ishoo, James, Van Dusen, George, Citizen Lifesaving Award, Awards, prizes, etc., Czerwinski, Ralph
Trustees approve WiFi trial 2006-07-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 20, 2006, p. 5 Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, SkokieLink, Rifkind, Monty, Internet, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Van Elzen, Nori, Rigoni, Al
Meeting Notes 2006-07-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 6, 2006, p. 11 Evanston Golf Club, Brown's Chicken, Pitalis, Paul, Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Shah, Mike, Wenig, Barry, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Kohn, Chuck, Madhiwala, Kirit, Easwaran, Ashok
Raises approved for village officials 2006-07-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 6, 2006, p. 11 Luke, Sylvia, Piper, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Dubrow, Herb, Salaries, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Board OKs residential, retail plan 2006-06-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 22, 2006, p. 5 Business - Retail, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums
$85 million budget approved by board 2006-06-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 22, 2006, p. 11 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Gelder, Michael, Rigoni, Al
Catering business OK'd for McCormick 2006-06-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 22, 2006, p. 10 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Sruly's Essen Delicatessen, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission
Upgrades OK'd for Howard St. 2006-05-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 18, 2006, p. 15 Skokie Board of Trustees, Schattner, Fred, Howard Street, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Village: Future downtown not threat to shops 2006-05-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 4, 2006, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Kalmes, Gloria, Skokie - City planning, Cigar King, Van Dusen, George, Business, Hirsh, Jason, Perille, Donald, Marge's Flowers and Gifts Inc., Rigoni, Al
Dog day care approved with water/sewer provision owner opposes 2006-05-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 4, 2006, p. 14 Daily Dog, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business, Schroedter, Greg, Schroedter, Emily
$84 million budget extends tax freeze 2006-04-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 27, 2006, p. 13 Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Nowak, Robert, Taxation
Incentive requests for business owners OK'd 2006-04-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 27, 2006, p. 11 Business - Hotels and motels, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, North Shore Hotel, Cook County Assessor, Evanston Subaru, Business - Automobile dealerships
A new vision 2006-04-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 6, 2006, p. 5 Zoning, Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - City planning, Van Dusen, George, Parking, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Illinois Science and Technology Park, Rigoni, Al
Trustees OK dog day-care service 2006-04-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 6, 2006, p. 14 Daily Dog, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Business, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Schroedter, Greg, Schroedter, Emily, Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission
Trustees approve auto repair shops 2006-03-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 23, 2006, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Hi-Tech Auto-Body, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Evanston Subaru OK'd for Skokie 2006-03-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 16, 2006, p. 16 Luke, Paul, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile dealerships
Good Samaritans honored by Skokie Village Board 2006-03-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 9, 2006, p. 5 Traffic accidents, Asante, Francis, Skokie Board of Trustees, Durso, Matt, Skokie Fire Department, Citizen Lifesaving Award, Awards, prizes, etc., Lovas, Chris
CDBG projects reduced because of federal cuts 2006-02-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 16, 2006, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR), Social agencies, Community development, Access to Care, Metropolitan Family Services, Thompson, Tom
Board OKs restaurant reg update 2006-02-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 9, 2006, p. 5 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Marciani, Steve, Skokie Zoning Review Committee
Commission says no to dog daycare facility 2006-02-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 2, 2006, p. 14 Cox, James, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Paradise, Morton, Marek, David, Schroedter, Greg, Schroedter, Emily
Skokie planners prepare to digitize village history 2006-02-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 2, 2006, p. 10 Skokie Public Library, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Schneiderman, Mark, Skokie Historical Society, History, Internet, Rigoni, Al, SkokieNet
Village, agencies make proposals 2006-01-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 26, 2006, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Community development, Social agencies
CDBG applicants make case for federal funding 2006-01-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 26, 2006, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Social agencies, Community development, Thompson, Tom
Bond sale set for next month 2006-01-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 19, 2006, p. 5 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Nowak, Robert, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Illinois Science and Technology Park
Skokie taxi changes approved by Board 2006-01-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 5, 2006, p. 11 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Trustees OK Comcast settlement 2005-12-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 22, 2005, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Comcast Corp., Cable television, Van Elzen, Nori
Downtown proposals scheduled for trustees 2005-12-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 15, 2005, p. 17 Downtown Skokie Merchants Association, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - City planning, Skokie Downtown Development Committee, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Miles, Randy
$15.5 million levy proposed for Skokie 2005-12-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 8, 2005, p. 5 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nowak, Robert
Rule changes approved on drive-through facilities 2005-12-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 1, 2005, p. 26 Cox, James, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie - City planning
Museum makes modifications to site plan 2005-12-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 1, 2005, p. 11 Hirschhaut, Richard, Museums, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Skokie Plan Commission, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Trustees OK use of eminent domain 2005-11-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 24, 2005, p. 8 Tarshis, Avery, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick, Value Transmission Center
Trustees amend recycling rules 2005-11-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 17, 2005, p. 19 Recycling, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Hanley, J. Patrick
Board revises code on first-time drug offenders 2005-11-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 3, 2005, p. 5 Ordinances, Juvenile delinquency, Rivenson, Meryl, Youth at Risk Taskforce, Crime and criminals - Drugs, Rose, Mary, Silverberg, Barry, Perille, Donald, Skokie Police Department, Youth Outreach Program, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall
Village authorized to acquire key property 2005-10-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 13, 2005, p. 8 Eminent domain, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Value Transmission Center, Thompson, Tom
Hearing slated on TIF 2005-09-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 22, 2005, p. 11 Skokie Board of Trustees, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Illinois Science and Technology Park, Thompson, Tom
Funding awarded for Skokie Theatre upgrade 2005-08-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 18, 2005, p. 11 Skokie Board of Trustees, Grants, Skokie Theatre, Cavalcade of Music Foundation, Thompson, Tom
New measures OK'd by Board 2005-08-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 4, 2005, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Peyer, Peter, Construction
Skokie Community Center 2005-08-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 4, 2005, p. 7 Boka, Jennifer, Stone, Ryan M., Dalton, Frank E., Chun, Mark, Dudek, Danette, Awards, prizes, etc., Perille, Donald, Goldwater, Linda, Politzer, Adele, Coop, Joe, Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Colleges and universities
Trustees crack down on illegal building activity 2005-08-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 4, 2005, p. 5 Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Construction, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald, Hanley, J. Patrick
Pay village now or really pay later 2005-08-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 4, 2005, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction
Turn off electronic signs 2005-07-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 21, 2005, p. 18 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald, Editorial
Board considers ban on electronic signs 2005-07-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 14, 2005, p. 3 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2005-07-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 14, 2005, p. 10 Rosenberg, Stuart, Pitalis, Paul, Ordinances, Mitchell, Zenaida, Centre East Authority, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Jimmy John's, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Oakton Community College, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village Board OKs convention bureau pact 2005-07-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 7, 2005, p. 11 Business - Hotels and motels, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, Conferences and conventions
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2005-06-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 23, 2005, p. 11 Maloney, Nancy, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), Garcia, Ervin, Ordinances, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Glazer, Marilyn
Trustees approve restaurant permit 2005-06-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 9, 2005, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Parking, Bonefish Restaurant
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2005-06-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 2, 2005, p. 11 Skokie - Board of Health, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances, Varma, Ruth, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Grossman, Ken, Svoboda, Lynn, Zoning, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Liberman, Arnold, Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Kesner, Rae, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Varma, Babu, Carandang, Angeles 'Jelly', Kramer, Eugene, Ordinances
Staff studies mixed-use development 2005-05-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 26, 2005, p. 3 Cox, James, Zoning, Luke, Paul, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Perille, Donald
New Liquor license class gets OK 2005-05-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 19, 2005, p. 3 Copeland, Edward N., Ordinances, Alcohol, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Cigar King, Van Dusen, George, Comfort Inn - North Shore, Hirsh, Jordan, Village Inn, Perille, Donald, Miles, Randy, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village wraps up budget hearings 2005-05-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 19, 2005, p. 3 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Channelside Park, Senior Transit for Area Residents (STAR), Skokie Police Department, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts
Skokie budget continues freeze on property taxes 2005-05-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 12, 2005, p. 14 Budget and expenditures, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Rigoni, Al, Government - Skokie
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2005-05-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 5, 2005, p. 9 Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Klein, Ralph, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Gelder, Michael, Kaplan, Dr. Edward, Soco, Ferdinand, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances, Sutker, Edie Sue, Doppler, Arlene, Bhatt, Subhash (Sam), Bromberg, Michelle, Skokie Board of Trustees, Asher-Becker, Ruth, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, McCabe, Frank, Lynk, Michael, Skokie Appearance Commission, Silbert, Jack, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Williams, Marlene
Skokie hires TIF experts 2005-05-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 5, 2005, p. 3 Kane, McKenna and Associates, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al
New dental clinic OK'd by board 2005-04-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 28, 2005, p. 9 Business - Dental Services, Luke, Paul, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Skokie Board Briefs 2005-04-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 28, 2005, p. 9 Rosen, Eric, Cherian, Chery, Salmanoff, Hope, Zoning, Gray-Keeler, Karen, Old Orchard Junior High School, Achim, Chris, Kempel, Lorraine, Public School District 68 - Student activities, Achim, Anthony, Skokie Board of Trustees, John Middleton Elementary School, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Games - Chess, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Steiner, Elaine, Skokie - Board of Health, Drachler, Dr. A. Michael, Davis, Leona, Public School District 73 1/2 - Student activities, Voitik, Billy, Geller, Mary, Mitchell, Zenaida, Ordinances, Beller, Micah, Gordon, Lloyd, Barr, Martin, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances, Meerovich, Ilan, Crane, Ian, el Ghoul, Michael, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Snitman, Maya
Tax incentive approved to improve industrial land 2005-04-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 28, 2005, p. 8 Greystone Associates, Inc., Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Cook County Assessor, U.S. Robotics, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
More liquor licenses for Skokie 2005-04-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 28, 2005, p. 18 Don's Fishmarket and Tavern, Copeland, Edward N., Mandarin Village, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Comfort Inn - North Shore, TIF (Tax Increment Financing)
New liquor license slated to attract more business 2005-04-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 14, 2005, p. 8 Copeland, Edward N., Mok, Julie, Mandarin Village, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, Business - Restaurants and caterers, McCabe, Frank, Comfort Inn - North Shore, Hanley, J. Patrick
Skokie Board Briefs 2005-04-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 14, 2005, p. 11 Skokie Human Relations Commission, Siegel, Andrea, Camnitzer, Henry, Alter, Michael, Klepper, Manfred, Holidays and celebrations, Mittenthal, Ethel, Gross, Eva, Schwartz, Edward, Shemroske, Patrick, Nicholas, Earl, Awards, prizes, etc., Lang, William, Potash, Edward, Garbarini, Pamela, Leiseca, Mario, Waxberg, Ellen, Lang, Esther B., Maloney, Nancy, Ordinances, Goldstein, Janice, Liebling, Leonard, Kornblith, Gordon, Wang, George, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Gerstner, Alan, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Ruber, Barbara L., Mon, Francis
Mayor forms commission on downtown development 2005-04-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 7, 2005, p. 6 Downtown Skokie Merchants Association, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Van Dusen, George, Community development, Skokie Downtown Development Committee, TIF (Tax Increment Financing)
Skokie supports Autobarn project 2005-03-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 31, 2005, p. 9 Fisher, Richard, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Autobarn, Business - Automobile dealerships, Thompson, Tom
Skokie Board Briefs 2005-03-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 31, 2005, p. 4 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Comcast Corp., Church Street Synagogue, Inc., Laramie Park Homeowners Association, Streets - Maintenance and repair, Cable television, RCN Corporation, Gross Point Road
Skokie's downtown TIF reduced 2005-03-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 31, 2005, p. 3 Stamp, Sandi, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Nelson, Rebecca, Public School District 69 - Budget and expenditures, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick, Thompson, Tom, Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Skokie Merchants Association, Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools)
Skokie commits bonds to development 2005-03-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 24, 2005, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Forest City Enterprises, Inc., Public School District 69, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Board Briefs 2005-03-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 10, 2005, p. 6 Larson, Mark, Semerau, Steven, Cavalcade of Music Foundation, Devonshire Playhouse, Skokie Fire Department, SSA (special-service area), Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, Goyal, Kuldip Rai, Community Development Block Grants, Asher-Becker, Ruth, Von Samek, Randie, Berger, Ed, Levine, David, Kelly, Joan, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Coop, Joe, Stensland, Allen
Skokie approves park pact 2005-02-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 24, 2005, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Parks
Skokie takes step toward special service area 2005-02-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 24, 2005, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, SSA (special-service area), Thompson, Tom
Trustees sign off on downtown park 2005-02-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 17, 2005, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Peyer, Peter, Parks, Thompson, Tom
Village approves $680,000 in block grant funding 2005-02-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 10, 2005, p. 3 Jewish Family and Community Service, Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR), Social agencies, Community development, Lieberman Geriatric Center, Children's Advocacy Center of Northwest Cook County, Thompson, Tom, Jewish Children's Bureau, Skokie Board of Trustees, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, Jewish Vocational Service, Evanston Shelter for Battered Women, Community Development Block Grants, Center for Enriched Living, Roberts, Randall, Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center, Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE), Access to Care, PEER Services, SHORE Community Services for Retarded Citizens, North Shore Senior Center, Grants
Agencies, staff ask for block grant funds 2005-02-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 3, 2005, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Grants, Social agencies, Thompson, Tom
Drive-through bank is approved 2005-01-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 13, 2005, p. 6 North Federal Savings Bank, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Banks and banking, McCabe, Frank
Escrow reduced for condo developers 2004-12-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 30, 2004, p. 7 Bienias, Jim, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Optima, Inc., Housing - Condominiums, Rigoni, Al
Pact provides D219 with police officers 2004-12-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 9, 2004, p. 13 Niles West High School, Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Security, Niles North High School, Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al
Consultant hired to shape disaster plan 2004-12-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 9, 2004, p. 12 Tandez, Jeanette, Public health, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Health Department (formerly Skokie Public Health Department), Huckleberry, Lowell, Gelder, Michael
Proposed tax levy drops for 14th straight year 2004-12-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 9, 2004, p. 11 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nowak, Robert
Tech upgrade OK'd for police vehicles 2004-11-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 18, 2004, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCann, Leo, Skokie Police Department
Skokie hires consultant for area upgrades 2004-11-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 18, 2004, p. 10 Aleksic, Michael, Streets - Lighting and signs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Skokie - City planning, Stanley Consultants, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Valerie S. Kretchmer Associates, Thompson, Tom, Sidewalks
Board lowers escrow for condo developers 2004-11-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 4, 2004, p. 6 Bienias, Jim, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Optima, Inc., McCabe, Frank, Housing - Condominiums, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Staff studies mixed-use developments 2004-11-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 4, 2004, p. 15 Business - Retail, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Housing - Condominiums, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Mixed use development OK'd for Skokie Blvd 2004-11-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 4, 2004, p. 12 Business - Retail, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Village Board OKs Lorel Ave. houses 2004-10-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 7, 2004, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Van Dusen, George, Hanley, J. Patrick, Housing
Board passes raises for trustees, mayor 2004-10-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 7, 2004, p. 19 Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Roberts, Randall, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Salaries, Hanley, J. Patrick
Change in condo escrow in the works 2004-10-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 7, 2004, p. 10 Skokie Condominium Homeowners Association, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Optima, Inc., Housing - Condominiums, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al, Bienias, Jim
Skokie board OKs 700-unit condo plan, hikes trustee salaries 2004-10-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 7, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Condominium Homeowners Association, Roberts, Randall, Optima, Inc., Van Dusen, George, Housing - Condominiums, Perille, Donald, Salaries, Hanley, J. Patrick, Bienias, Jim, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle
Skokie trustee Michele Bromberg makes a bid for 17th District Rep. 2004-09-23 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 23, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Coulson, Elizabeth, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Government - Illinois, Elections, Parking, Housing - Condominiums, Illinois House of Representatives 17th District, Government - Skokie
Village lends $1.5 million to library 2004-09-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 16, 2004, p. 5 Anthony, Carolyn, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Nowak, Robert, Rigoni, Al
Grant is good use of money 2004-09-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 16, 2004, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Grants, Editorial, Skokie Chamber of Commerce
Sutker sworn in as new village trustee 2004-09-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 9, 2004, p. 9 Sutker, Edie Sue, Piper, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Van Dusen, George
Site plan OK'd for new condo complex 2004-09-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 9, 2004, p. 6 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, McCabe, Frank, Housing - Condominiums, Perille, Donald
Plan commission member Sutker fills trustee vacancy 2004-09-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 9, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Sutker, Edie Sue, Piper, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Van Dusen, George
700-unit Skokie condo plan moves forward 2004-09-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 9, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Peyer, Peter, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums, Rigoni, Al
Skokie trustee resigns, goes from boardroom to courtroom 2004-09-02 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 2, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Piper, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Hanley, J. Patrick
Piper resigns to accept village post 2004-08-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 26, 2004, p. 3 Piper, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Municipal employees, Hanley, J. Patrick
Skokie Village Board tables townhouse project 2004-08-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 26, 2004, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Housing - Town houses, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald
Village Board ponders changes in condo fees 2004-08-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 19, 2004, p. 9 Bienias, Jim, Skokie Condominium Homeowners Association, Building laws and regulations, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums, Perille, Donald
Asst manager opens door on new job 2004-08-19 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 19, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Housing - Town houses, Skokie, Municipal employees
Skokie OKs condo plan, will look at area parking 2004-08-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 5, 2004, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Housing - Condominiums, Parking, Rigoni, Al
Chamber gets grant for downtown development 2004-08-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 5, 2004, p. 8 Stamp, Sandi, Skokie Board of Trustees, Grants, Skokie - City planning, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al, Skokie Chamber of Commerce
Skokie seeks reduction of 5-story condo plan 2004-08-05 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 5, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums
Smoking ban change passes 2004-07-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 22, 2004, p. 3 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nudelman, Melvin D., Van Dusen, George, Jacobs, Esther, Village Inn, Gelder, Michael, Smoking, Miles, Randy
Skokie makes exception to restaurant smoking ban 2004-07-22 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 22, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Don's Fishmarket and Tavern, Jack's Restaurant, Ordinances, Skokie Clean Indoor Air Act, Van Dusen, George, Rick's Place, Jacobs, Esther, Gelder, Michael, Smoking, Hanley, J. Patrick, Skokie Board of Trustees, Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco (ICAT), McCabe, Frank, Ubaa Tap, Village Inn
Don't amend smoking ban 2004-07-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 15, 2004, p. 18 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Village Inn, Smoking, Editorial, Miles, Randy
Village Board OKs auto facility upgrade 2004-07-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 15, 2004, p. 14 Luke, Paul, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Main Auto Service
Skokie to consider smoking-ban amendment 2004-07-15 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 15, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco (ICAT), Van Dusen, George, Village Inn, Smoking, Miles, Randy
Owner seeks ban relief 2004-07-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 8, 2004, p. 3 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nudelman, Melvin D., Huckleberry, Lowell, Jacobs, Esther, Gelder, Michael, Village Inn, Smoking, Rigoni, Al, Miles, Randy
Gas station upgrade approved by Board 2004-03-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 4, 2004, p. 10 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, BP Amoco (formerly Amoco), Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Condo plans for former American Legion HQ denied by Village Board 2004-02-26 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 26, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Petrof, Margaret, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums, Norwood Builders Inc., Adreani, Bruce
Trustees reject proposal for Lincoln Ave. condos 2004-02-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 19, 2004, p. 3 Petrof, Margaret, Skokie Board of Trustees, Delaney, Jane, Housing - Condominiums, Adreani, Bruce
Ionia Avenue residents seek road improvements 2004-02-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 5, 2004, p. 3 Vanderpool, Mark, Marchman, Don, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ionia Avenue, Rigoni, Al, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Upgrades slated for Skokie Northshore Channel Park 2004-01-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 22, 2004, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, Parks, North Shore Channel, Rigoni, Al
Holocaust Museum finds new home 2004-01-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 8, 2004, p. 9 Museums, Harris, Samuel R., Tigerman, Stanley, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Cook County Forest Preserve District, Swibel, Howard, Derman, Lisa, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Skokie board looks at ways to spend federal money 2004-01-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 8, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Synagogues, Grants, Social agencies, Community development, Or Torah Synagogue
Asian game club gets Go-ahead by Skokie Board 2003-11-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 20, 2003, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Korea America Go Association, Games - Go, Games - Chess, Asian Chess and Go Association
New height limits set for new homes 2003-11-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 20, 2003, Sec. 1, p. 1 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Single family homes
Roberts home after Loop fire injuries 2003-11-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 6, 2003, p. 9 Fires, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall
Almost like a dream": trustee Randall Roberts barely escapes Loop fire alive 2003-10-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 23, 2003, p. 3 Fires, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall
Trustees reject smoking ban renovation help 2003-10-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 23, 2003, p. 3 Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Grants, Business - Bars, Smoking
Zone change on crematories goes to Village Board 2003-10-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 16, 2003, p. 9 Business - Funeral homes, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Cemeteries, Haben Funeral Home
Trustees OK church addition 2003-09-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 18, 2003, p. 3 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trinity Lutheran Church
Protect all trees 2003-09-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 4, 2003, p. 14 Trees and plants, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Editorial
Village to remember 911 2003-09-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 4, 2003, p. 10 Terrorism, Skokie Board of Trustees, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances
Smoking ban to trustees Monday 2003-07-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 3, 2003, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Smoking
Village hikes sales tax rate, ambulance fee 2003-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 2003, p. 3 Public utilities, Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Taxation - Sales tax
Downtown condos, retail go before board 2003-05-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 1, 2003, p. 11 Business - Retail, Metropolitan Development Enterprises, Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
Trustees to consider smoking ban 2003-04-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 17, 2003, p. 3 Skokie Citizens for Clean Indoor Air, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Smoking
Skokie board changes zoning ordinance 2003-03-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 20, 2003, Sec. 1, p. 1 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Theaters win later start time 2003-03-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 6, 2003, p. 5 Crown Theaters, Theaters, Skokie Board of Trustees, Village Crossing Shopping Center
Skokie gives initial OK for 12-year 2003-02-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 20, 2003, Sec. 1, p. 1 Zoning, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Tech Lighting Systems, Business - Manufacturing, Business - Storage facilities
Skokie approves sculpture park 2003-02-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 6, 2003, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Town houses, Heritage Park, Van Dusen, George, Multiculturalism, Parks, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Art, Zoning, Scooters, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie OKs condemnation 2003-01-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 30, 2003, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Dempster Street Train Station, Eminent domain, Giannoulias, Alexis
Museum wins final approval 2003-01-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 23, 2003, p. 3 Museums, Assyrian Soccer Club, Harris, Samuel R., Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Cook County Forest Preserve District, Swibel, Howard, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Pritzker, J.B.
Restaurant OK'd without plan hearing 2003-01-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 9, 2003, p. 3 Zoning, Romano's Macaroni Grill, Skokie Board of Trustees, Village Crossing Shopping Center, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Hamilton Partners, Perille, Donald
Dempster properties in line for demolition 2003-01-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 9, 2003, Sec. 1, p. 1 Romano's Macaroni Grill, Eminent domain, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dempster Street Train Station, Peyer, Peter, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District
Village legalizes outdoor parking for pickups 2002-12-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 26, 2002, p. 5 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, Roberts, Randall, Levine, Ted, Parking, Lorge, Michael, Fiddler, Betsy, Stasica, Lawrence
Foundation hopes for '03 museum start 2002-12-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 19, 2002, p. 3 Harris, Samuel R., Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Skokie Plan Commission, Swibel, Howard, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Dempster Street work traffic tie-up expected 2002-12-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 12, 2002, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCormick Boulevard, Traffic, Schattner, Fred, Oakton Street, Dempster Street, Gelder, Michael, Streets - Maintenance and repair, North Shore Channel
Skokie drafts $4.8 million levy 2002-12-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 12, 2002, p. 11 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Anthony, Carolyn, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Nowak, Robert, Skokie Public Library - Expansion and renovation
Village gets museum plan 2002-11-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 28, 2002, p. 3 Holocaust Memorial Museum, Oshana, Raymond, Van Dusen, George, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Hanley, J. Patrick, Sports - Soccer, Zoning, Tigerman, Stanley, Harris, Samuel R., Skokie Board of Trustees, Long Drive Investors One South, Cook County Forest Preserve District, Skokie Plan Commission, Swibel, Howard, Parking, Rigoni, Al, Museums, Assyrian Soccer Club
Board says no to front yard parking 2002-11-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 28, 2002, p. 12 Silver, Verne, Skokie Public Works Department, Piper, Harry, Housing - Single family homes, Van Dusen, George, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Floods, Peyer, Peter, Roberts, Randall, McCabe, Frank, Parking, Rigoni, Al
Museum site deal may be closer 2002-11-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 7, 2002, p. 13 Museums, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Cook County Forest Preserve District, Swibel, Howard, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Skokie board approves congregate home 2002-11-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 7, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Group homes, Shimon, Sue, Anwar, Setara, WilPower, Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Disabled - Mentally, Kaplan, Annette, Kaplan, Irwin
Board mandates bicycle helmets 2002-10-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 31, 2002, p. 9 Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Helmets, Skokie Health Department (formerly Skokie Public Health Department), Nudelman, Melvin D., Huckleberry, Lowell, Gelder, Michael, Rigoni, Al, Greenspan, Jeffrey, Scooters, Skokie Board of Trustees
Trustees should put brakes on a total Skokie scooter ban 2002-10-31 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 31, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 6 Scooters, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gelder, Michael, Rigoni, Al, Editorial, Laws and regulations
Skokie smoking ban may be recommended 2002-10-31 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 31, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Citizens for Clean Indoor Air, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Huckleberry, Lowell, Business - Bars, Smoking, Ferdinand, Sue
Board split on new attorney 2002-10-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 24, 2002, p. 3 Piper, Harry, Sutker, Calvin, Politics - Caucus Party, Van Dusen, George, Municipal employees, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Hanley, J. Patrick, Schwartz, Harvey, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Meyer, Barbara, Roberts, Randall, McCabe, Frank
Skokie passes helmet law for kids, will ban scooters 2002-10-24 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 24, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Scooters, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Helmets, Skokie Health Department (formerly Skokie Public Health Department), Huckleberry, Lowell, Gelder, Michael, Rigoni, Al
Holocaust Museum drops Skokie suit 2002-10-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 17, 2002, p. 7 Museums, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day School, Litigation, Van Dusen, George, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Perille, Donald, Mueller, Henry E.
Mayor set to name day for Nobel Prize winner 2002-10-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 17, 2002, p. 10 Horvitz, Mary, Skokie Board of Trustees, Horvitz, H. Robert, Van Dusen, George, Awards, prizes, etc.
Union, village OK pact 2002-10-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 10, 2002, p. 3 Ballowe, Christa, Oscarson, Martin 'Marty', Skokie Board of Trustees, International Association of Firefighters Local 3033, Skokie Fire Department, Salaries, Rigoni, Al, Contract negotiations, Wimer, Bruce
219 superintendent makes tax hike case to Skokie trustees 2002-09-19 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 19, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Nolan, Brian, Codell, Neil, Greenspan, Jeffrey, Budget and expenditures, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Yeggy, Gerry, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools), Perille, Donald
Trustees approve Oakton condos 2002-08-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 22, 2002, p. 13 Serris, Andrew, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums
Village OKs subdivision 2002-07-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 18, 2002, p. 11 Shaf Home Builders, Skokie Board of Trustees, Millenium Estates, Construction, Shaf, Randy, Housing - Single family homes, Kindwald, Donald, Karin Hagg Trust and Steve Hagg Trust, Ernest H. Klode's Towers
Ticket scofflaws to get the boot 2002-06-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 6, 2002, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Skokie - Fees and fines, Parking, Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al
Skokie to 'boot' parking scofflaws 2002-06-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 6, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Plote Construction, Maniscalco, Shaden, SKC Construction Inc., Pierce Manufacturing, Gelder, Michael, Internet, Hardin Paving Co., Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie - Fees and fines, American Engineering Inc., Marek, David, Parking, Awards, prizes, etc., Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al, Laws and regulations, Franczak, Darek
New-home design standards being eyed by commission 2002-05-30 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 30, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Renovation and repair, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, McCabe, Frank, Housing - Single family homes, Perille, Donald
Pickup parking ban is lifted 2002-05-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 16, 2002, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking, Fiddler, Betsy
Skokie board approves synagogue expansion, B-plate pickup parking 2002-05-16 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 16, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 7 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, Construction, Synagogues, McCabe, Frank, Parking, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al, Lubavitch Chabad
Skokie trustees create zoning for 'cyber service' businesses 2002-05-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 9, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Zoning, Business - Internet services, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Van Dusen, George, Schroeder & Schroeder Inc., Alliance Contractors, Co.
Skokie trustees approve new women's fitness center 2002-04-18 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 18, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, E.J. Equipment Inc., Business - Hotels and motels, Fashion Square Shopping Center, Lady of America, Ruby Tuesday, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Chevy's Mexican Restaurant, Business - Fitness clubs
Truck ban lifted 2002-04-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 4, 2002, p. 9 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Parking, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Progress on truck ban 2002-03-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 21, 2002, p. 18 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking, Editorial
Skokie to get some natural gas vehicles 2002-03-21 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 21, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Chicago Area Clean Cities Coalition, Natural gas, Grants, Automobiles, Awards, prizes, etc., Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Committee (CMAQ), Pollution - Air, Surdo, Bruno, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks
Village to lift pickup parking ban 2002-03-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 7, 2002, p. 3 Piper, Harry, Ordinances, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Parking, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Trucks, Roberts, Randall
Skokie backs off pickup truck ban 2002-03-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 7, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, Roberts, Randall, Levine, David, Parking, Fiddler, Betsy
Skokie sued for rejecting museum 2002-02-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 28, 2002, p. 3 Museums, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Litigation, Swibel, Howard, Van Dusen, George, Kramer, Albert, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Pickup vote misses mark 2002-02-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 7, 2002, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking, Editorial
Large yard split 2002-02-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 7, 2002, p. 10 Real estate, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, B.A.S. Developers, Corcoran, Neil, Perille, Donald
Skokie board creates new transit-oriented zoning on Dempster 2002-02-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 7, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), Zoning, Halas, James, Skokie Board of Trustees, Transportation, Dempster Street, Skokie Police Department
Decision carries a price tag 2002-01-31 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 31, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 8 Museums, Gerstner, Lillian, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Editorial
Board rejects museum plan 2002-01-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 24, 2002, p. 3 Museums, Kramer, Ronna, Berkowitz, Jeff, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Swibel, Howard, Derman, Lisa, McCabe, Frank, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Wolf, Yitzchok, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, Roberts, Randall
Skokie board nixes Holocaust Museum special-use permit 2002-01-24 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 24, 2002, Sec. 1, p. 1 Museums, Kramer, Ronna, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Knudsen, Tim, Werner, Raymond, Campbell, Peter, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Byer, Jeff, Skokie Coalition for Neighborhood Integrity, Skokie Board of Trustees
Museum meeting moved to library 2002-01-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 17, 2002, p. 3 Skokie Coalition for Neighborhood Integrity, Museums, Skokie Public Library, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Rigoni, Al
Revised plan for museum goes to board 2002-01-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 17, 2002, p. 3 Museums, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Swibel, Howard, Derman, Lisa, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Museum shift eyed, but opposition remains 2002-01-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 3, 2002, p. 3 Museums, Kramer, Ronna, Berkowitz, Jeff, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Swibel, Howard, Van Dusen, George, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Skokie Coalition for Neighborhood Integrity, Romano, Tommie, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Construction
Right move on museum 2001-12-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 27, 2001, p. 12 Museums, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Editorial
Museum decision on hold 2001-12-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 20, 2001, p. 3 Museums, Piper, Harry, Holocaust Memorial Museum, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Construction, Roberts, Randall
Residents swamp Skokie board about museum move request 2001-11-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 20, 2001, Sec. 1, p. 1 Museums, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Skokie Plan Commission, Werner, Raymond, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois
Museum plan goes Monday to trustees 2001-12-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 13, 2001, p. 3 Museums, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Wolf, Isaac, Derman, Lisa, Van Dusen, George, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Byer, Jeff, Skokie Coalition for Neighborhood Integrity, Bruce, Robert, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie trustees approve new Circuit City 2001-12-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 6, 2001, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Retail, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Town houses, Construction, Circuit City, Norwood Builders Inc., Madison Place Townhomes, Burnside Construction Co.
Museum foes target board 2001-11-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 22, 2001, p. 3 Museums, Bruce, Robert, Skokie Board of Trustees, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Construction, Van Dusen, George, Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Byer, Jeff, Skokie Coalition for Neighborhood Integrity
Haul away pickup ban 2001-11-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 1, 2001, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking, Editorial
Skokie board changes group housing zoning 2001-10-04 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 4, 2001, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Housing - Group homes, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Skokie board inks agreements on contaminated sites 2001-09-27 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 27, 2001, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Oscarson, Martin 'Marty', Pollution - Soil, Skokie Board of Trustees, Invensys Building Systems Inc., Bock, Carl, BP Amoco (formerly Amoco), Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Stanley Consultants
Rigoni: Skokie flood control good, but still work in progress 2001-08-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 9, 2001, Sec. 1, p. 1 Nolan, Arthur A., Jr., Traffic signals, Ordinances, Oakton Park, Parking, Kenny Construction Co., Happ Builders Inc., Hometown Video Festival, Rigoni, Al, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, Flood control, Skokie Board of Trustees, Jones, David
Library plans third floor 2001-02-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 1, 2001, p. 3 Anthony, Carolyn, Skokie Board of Trustees, O'Donnell, Wicklund, Pigozzi and Peterson, Fred Berglund & Sons Inc., Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie Public Library - Expansion and renovation
Year in review: Village turns down truck owners again 2000-12-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 28, 2000, p. 4 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, Sweetow, Herb, Parking, Burbach, Matthew, Stasica, Lawrence
Skokie trustees agree in principle on O'Hare cab fare hikes 2000-12-21 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 21, 2000, Sec. 1, p. 7 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Taxi cabs, Sidewalks, Skokie Board of Trustees, American Taxi, Norshore Cab Association, 303 Cab Association
Trustees retain truck parking ban 2000-11-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 23, 2000, p. 3 Levy, Lois, Ordinances, Kaplan, Jeff, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, Levine, David, Parking
Pickup parking ban to get another look 2000-07-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 20, 2000, p. 3 Zoning, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Trucks, Parking, Burbach, Matthew
Village Board rejects drive-through eatery 2000-06-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 29, 2000, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Taco Bell, NJB Operations Inc., Business - Restaurants and caterers, Weiss, James
Skokie trustees reject planners' fence proposal 2000-06-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 8, 2000, Sec. 1, p. 1 Flood control, Scholarships and fellowships, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Skokie trustees make short work of day care permit, intersection signs 2000-01-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 6, 2000, Sec. 1, p. 1 Child care and day care centers, Traffic signals, Garcia, Susie R., Skokie Board of Trustees, Garcia, Carlos M.
Village rejects 5-story downtown building 1999-10-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 21, 1999, p. 3 Business - Retail, Masini, Reno, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, Haben, John, Haben, Mary Anne, Witry, Richard (Dick) J., Focus Development Inc., Housing - Condominiums
Skokie trustees reject mixed-use development 1999-10-21 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 21, 1999, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Retail, Masini, Reno, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bartels, Maria, Construction, Focus Development Inc., Housing - Condominiums, Otis Koglin Wilson Architects, Bienias, Jim
Changes on horizon for commissions 1999-10-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 14, 1999, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Government - Skokie
Board OKs messaging system 1999-09-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 9, 1999, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Telephones
Opponents of women's mall fail to sway trustees 1999-07-01 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 1, 1999, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sweig, Shirley, Kosterka, Marcia, Storck, Berel, Business - Shopping centers
Cemetery shops OK'd once again 1999-06-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 24, 1999, p. 3 Memorial Park Cemetery, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, King, Terry, Kosterka, Marcia, SCI Illinois Services Inc., Storck, Berel, Business - Shopping centers
Female-oriented mall gets nod from Skokie trustees 1999-06-10 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 10, 1999, Sec. 1, p. 1 ORIX TMK Old Orchard Venture, Skokie Board of Trustees, Organized Living, Korn, Al, Business - Shopping centers, Friedman, Paula
Hotel plan's look delays OK by panel 1999-05-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 20, 1999, p. 13 Business - Hotels and motels, Extended Stay America, Skokie Board of Trustees
Hotel proposal rejected by Skokie board 1999-05-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 20, 1999, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Hotels and motels, Extended Stay America, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village board gives nod to Niles North drainage tank 1999-03-18 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 18, 1999, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Niles North High School, Sewers and sewage disposal
Croft picked to fill Skokie trustee vacancy 1999-02-25 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 25, 1999, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Croft, Manly
Croft back on village board 1999-02-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 18, 1999, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Croft, Manly
Gelder recovering from heart ailment 1998-11-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 5, 1998, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Gelder, Michael
Skokie trustee runs toughest race 1998-10-22 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 22, 1998, Sec. 1, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sports - Running, Van Dusen, George, Chicago Marathon
Skokie trustees approve two hotels near Edens 1998-08-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 20, 1998, Sec. 1, p. 5 Business - Hotels and motels, Skokie Board of Trustees, Hampton Inn and Suites, Homestead Village
Board rejects drug store drive-through 1998-08-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 6, 1998, p. 3 Business - Drugstores and pharmacies, Zoning, American Stores Properties Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Osco Drug, Health-Rite Pharmacy, Tenenbaum Hardware and Supply Company
Mall expansion gains final OK 1998-06-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 25, 1998, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Old Orchard Shopping Center, Construction, Gelder, Michael, Business - Shopping centers, Perille, Donald
Trustees OK medical office zoning 1998-02-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 5, 1998, p. 4 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business, Parking
Zoning terms revised 1998-01-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 22, 1998, p. 4 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie grants taxi licenses 1998-01-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 8, 1998, p. 9 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees, American Taxi, 303 Cab Association, Norshore Cab Association
Board decision makes it easier to take taxis : Over protests from current servers, trustees decide more cabs necessary village wide 1998-01-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 8, 1998, Sec. 1, p. 1 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees, American Taxi, 303 Cab Association, Norshore Cab Association
Trustees keep pledge on taxes : Other funding sources help make this year's levy lower than 1991's 1997-12-04 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 4, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees
Gone with the din 1997-11-13 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 13, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Noise
Board OKs garage height limit 1997-11-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 6, 1997, p. 4 Building laws and regulations, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Garage height law tabled for now 1997-10-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 9, 1997, p. 3 Building laws and regulations, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Hansen, Wayne
Contract leaves nothing to chance 1997-09-18 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 18, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, North Suburban Clinic Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, I.J. Smith Transport, Van Elzen, Nori
Board approves hearing program 1997-09-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 4, 1997, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Trustee OK puts final seal on new cop contract 1997-09-04 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 4, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 68, Skokie Board of Trustees, Aydt, James, Nolte, Gary, Skokie Police Department, Contract negotiations
Reducing court clutter : Village-appointed officer will decide minor code violations 1997-08-28 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 28, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Courts
Parking fines hiked in Skokie 1997-08-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 21, 1997, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Fees and fines, Parking, Rigoni, Al
Eateries get new class of liquor license 1997-07-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 24, 1997, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Alcohol, Business - Restaurants and caterers
House size limits win board approval 1997-07-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 10, 1997, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Housing - Single family homes
Noise regulations pass 1997-06-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 12, 1997, p. 4 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Noise
Bank to rise on Mark III site 1997-06-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 12, 1997, p. 16 Zoning, Mark III Restaurant, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, GreatBanc Trust Co., Business - Banks and banking
Staff salaries set 1997-06-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 5, 1997, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Travis, Joan Schiller, Klopfer, Gail Jones, Municipal employees, Dubrow, Herb, Mueller, Henry E., Rigoni, Al, Salaries
Trustees OK new bank on McCormick Blvd. 1997-06-05 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 5, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Traffic signals, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, GreatBanc Trust Co., Noise, Gelder, Michael
House limits OK'd 1997-05-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 22, 1997, p. 3 Zoning, Sutker-Dermer, Shelley, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Borek, Sam, Housing - Single family homes, Gorell, Jacqueline
Trustees debate leaf blower ban 1997-05-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 8, 1997, p. 11 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Noise
New trustees seated on dais 1997-04-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 10, 1997, p. 9 Piper, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Gelder, Michael, Williams, Marlene, Perille, Donald, Gorell, Jacqueline, Fitzshall, Robert
Croft and Petroski bid goodbye to public life 1997-04-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 10, 1997, p. 8 Petroski, Betty, Skokie Board of Trustees, Croft, Manly, Retirement
Village board OKs bowling alley site sale to supermarket : New trustees cast first votes 1997-04-10 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 10, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Grocery stores, Oakton Bowl
A tale of two trustees : Two Village Board veterans reflect on retirement and their service to Skokie 1997-04-03 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 3, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 3 Petroski, Betty, Skokie Board of Trustees, Croft, Manly, Retirement
Village approves academic study 1997-03-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 20, 1997, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA), Skokie Fire Department, Skokie Police Department
Trustees OK final flood control work 1997-03-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 20, 1997, p. 3 Flood control, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rust Environment and Infrastructure, Streets
Trustees vote to keep workers at home alone 1997-03-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 6, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Home based businesses, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Van Dusen, George
Cell phone pole near homes nixed 1997-02-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 20, 1997, p. 3 Telephones - Cellular, Skokie Board of Trustees, Larson, Jeff, Ameritech Illinois, Temple Judea Mizpah
Trustees to Ameritech : No room for tall tower 1997-02-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 20, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 3 Zoning, Pugh, Donna, Skokie Board of Trustees, Larson, Jeff, Balansche, Doreen, Ameritech Illinois
Centre East gets loan : Strings attached 1997-02-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 6, 1997, p. 3 Performing arts, Economic Development Fund, North Shore Center Authority Board, Skokie Board of Trustees, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts
Trustees OK synagogue expansion on Dempster Street 1997-01-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 9, 1997, Sec. 1, p. 1 Kollel Toras Chesed, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Synagogues
And that's the way it was : A look back at the year's events in Skokie 1996-12-26 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 26, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Performing arts, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Crime and criminals, TCI of Illinois, Cable television, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts
Village abates levy, approves street work 1996-12-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 19, 1996, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Taxation, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Levy finally adopted 1996-12-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 12, 1996, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library, Taxation
Trustees unite to make room for new medical facility 1996-12-05 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 5, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Health care, North Suburban Clinic Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees
Marriott sinks third time 1996-11-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 21, 1996, p. 9 Marriott Corporation, Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Brighton Gardens, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village levy gets final OK 1996-11-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 21, 1996, p. 4 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Board turns down Concord plan 1996-11-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 21, 1996, p. 4 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Concord Development Corporation
Trustees reject Marriott facility's zoning request; Third time is no charm for beleaguered residential complex 1996-11-21 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 21, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Marriott Corporation, Zoning, Brighton Gardens, Skokie Board of Trustees, Diverse Real Estate Holdings Limited Partnership
Trustees mull Marriott issues 1996-11-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 14, 1996, p. 12 Marriott Corporation, Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Brighton Gardens, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Trustees give nod to cigarette restrictions 1996-11-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 7, 1996, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Smoking
Amoco chastised by board 1996-11-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 7, 1996, p. 4 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Bike path extension OK'd 1996-11-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 7, 1996, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sports - Cycling, North Shore Channel
Church Street townhouses approved 1996-09-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 26, 1996, p. 4 Levin and Associates, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Town houses, Prairie Row Courthomes
Teen tobacco ban in works 1996-09-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 26, 1996, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Ordinances, Smoking
Townhouse builders finally get village's OK 1996-09-19 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 19, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 3 Levin and Associates, Skokie Board of Trustees, Cole Taylor Bank, Housing - Town houses, Business - Banks and banking
Senior facility plans for round three with trustees 1996-09-12 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 12, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Brighton Gardens, Skokie Board of Trustees, Marriott Senior Living Services Inc.
Channel park to receive 9 sculptures 1996-09-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 5, 1996, p. 3 Art, Skokie Board of Trustees, Walgreens, Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, Fel-Pro Park, Illinois Arts Council, Weinberg, Louis, Parks
Cable hearing set Tuesday 1996-08-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 22, 1996, p. 3 Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, TCI of Illinois, Cable television
New video gives 'voice' to life in Skokie 1996-08-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 8, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Movies
Gas stations get zoning 1996-07-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 18, 1996, p. 4 Zoning, Shell Oil, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Van Orden, John
Shopping cart ordinance passes 1996-07-18 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 18, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Skokie increases bid minimum 1996-07-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 11, 1996, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Ordinance may put carts in the proper place 1996-07-11 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 11, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Developer wants condo rule dropped 1996-07-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 4, 1996, p. 3 Robin, Richard, Lincoln Pointe, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums, Robin Construction
Skokie firefighters get three year pact 1996-06-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 20, 1996, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, International Association of Firefighters Local 3033, Skokie Fire Department, Contract negotiations
Trustees set stage for condos on old Sears site 1996-06-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 20, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Robin, Richard, Lincoln Pointe, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
Band going Hollywood, but only some on 'board' for the ride : Tight budgets mean not everyone can show school spirit 1996-06-13 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 13, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 5 Lincolnwood, Katz, Fern, Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Student activities, Morton Grove
Lincoln Pointe gets village OK 1996-05-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 23, 1996, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Town houses, Housing - Condominiums, Robin Construction
Skokie cuts back on symphony grant 1996-05-16 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 16, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 5 Robbins, Jerome, Skokie Valley Orchestra, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, Grants, Skokie Valley Orchestral Association, Shankman, Jack
Two groups get village money 1996-05-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 9, 1996, p. 4 Schankman, Jack, Vanderpool, Mark, Robbins, Jerome, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Sculpture Park Incorporated (SSPI), Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra, Awards, prizes, etc.
Board approves decree, nursing home to be built 1996-05-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 9, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alden Management Services Inc.
Can Skokie dump TCI? 1996-04-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 25, 1996, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, TCI of Illinois, Cable television
Board OKs Oakton condos 1996-04-11 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 11, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Kaplan, Michael, Housing - Condominiums, Norwood Builders Inc.
Trustees revise Knox Avenue parking 1996-03-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 28, 1996, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking
Village sets cable meeting 1996-03-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 21, 1996, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, TCI of Illinois, Cable television, Telecom Planners
Handicapped parking fine goes up 1996-03-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 14, 1996, p. 4 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Fees and fines, Parking
Some landlords can't live with proposed regulations 2012-09-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 13, 2012 , p. 11 Trawinski, Todd, Lockerby, John, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Apartment buildings, Hanley, J. Patrick, Skokie Public Safety Commission
Oakton Street traffic changes approved 2012-08-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 30, 2012 , p. 20 Skokie Board of Trustees, Traffic, Gewalt Hamilton and Associates, Oakton Street
Skokie animal ordinance gains teeth 2012-08-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 30, 2012 , p. 16 Animals, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Tenenbaum, David
Trustees OK traffic safety measures 2012-08-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 30, 2012 , p. 11 Safety devices and measures, Goma, Hanin, Skokie Board of Trustees, Traffic, Roberts, Randall, Gewalt Hamilton and Associates, Weintraub, Mel, Vo, Carter, Skokie Police Department, Sutker, Edie Sue
Village Board eases side yard fence regulations 2012-08-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 16, 2012 , p. 27 Ordinances, Augustine, Brian, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Klein, Ralph, Perille, Donald
Skokie trustees place animal law changes on hold 2012-08-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 9, 2012 , p. 5 Animals, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Counard, Dr. Catherine, Patel, Jayshree, Hanley, J. Patrick, Diz, Joseph
Controversial rental licensing program moves forward 2012-07-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 19, 2012 , p. 5 Kenning, Barbara, Lockerby, John, Ordinances, Sclair, Elyn, Skokie Voice, Housing - Apartment buildings, Interfaith Housing Center of the Northern Suburbs, Taylor, Dana, Perille, Donald, Bednarz, Floyd, Skokie Public Safety Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie grant helps Kaufman's deli reopen after fire 2012-06-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 21, 2012 , p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Grants, Downtown Facade Assistance Program, Dworkin, Betty, Kaufman's Bagel and Delicatessen, Lorge, Michael, Thompson, Tom
New fee addresses sidewalk need in Skokie 2012-06-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 14, 2012 , p. 5 Slankard, Max, Sidewalks, Engel, Ronald, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Roberts, Randall, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Rental license proposal slated for trustees 2012-05-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 24, 2012 , p. 5 Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Theodoropoulos, Constantine, Skokie Voice, Housing - Apartment buildings, Skokie Public Safety Commission
Nanotech business uses tax break to move to Skokie 2012-05-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 17, 2012 , p. 5 Applied Thin Films, Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Business
Skokie honors Niles North's champion chess team 2012-05-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 10, 2012 , p. 5 Rosen, Eric, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Student activities, Niles North High School, Van Dusen, George, Games - Chess, Ingraham, Heather, Dahl, Matthew, Paykin, David, Kyrizaes, Harry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Hagopian, Mases
Fitness center to help give Touhy a new look 2012-05-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 10, 2012 , p. 5 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, XSport Fitness, Roberts, Randall, Business - Shopping centers, Touhy Marketplace
Skokie trustees clear way for new 'Super Walmart 2012-04-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 26, 2012 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Elrod, Steven, Clark Street Development, Roberts, Randall, Eisenberg, Peter, Walmart, Business - Shopping centers, Perille, Donald, Touhy Marketplace
Touhy Walmart, shopping center win final OK 2012-04-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 19, 2012 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Elrod, Steven, Clark Street Development, Roberts, Randall, Eisenberg, Peter, Walmart, Business - Shopping centers, Perille, Donald, Touhy Marketplace
Skokie Village Board Notes 2012-04-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 12, 2012 , p. 6 Zoning, Silvergleid, Ina, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Callistein, Sylvia, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Taxation, Siegel, Andrea
Upscale health club wins Plan Commission support 2012-04-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 12, 2012 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, XSport Fitness, Skokie Plan Commission, Marciani, Steve, Business - Fitness clubs
Electric aggregation process moves forward 2012-04-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 5, 2012 , p. 6 Slankard, Max, Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, North Shore Electricity Aggregation Consortium, MC Squared Energy Services LLC
New liquor license adds theaters 2012-03-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 29, 2012 , p. 9 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, Skokie Theatre, Van Dusen, George, Hanley, J. Patrick
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2012-03-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 29, 2012 , p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Williams Memorial Temple Church of God in Christ, Quane, Bob, Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology
Village Board Briefs 2012-03-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 15, 2012 , p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Shpayher, Joshua, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology
Village funds additional CDBG projects 2012-03-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 15, 2012 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Search Developmental Center, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center, Haberstich, Carrie, Lorge, Michael
Critics take last shot at Oberweis plans 2012-03-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 15, 2012 , p. 11 Oberweis Dairy, Wenger, Ruth, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Veytsel, Joanie, Roberts, Randall, Van Dusen, George, That Burger Joint, Lorge, Michael
Village Board Briefs 2012-03-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 1, 2012 , p. 6 Goolish, Stanley, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Fire Department, Levy, Clifford, Millard, Gabriel, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Advertising, signs and sign boards, Zoning, Levin, Gerri, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Jones, David, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Duggan, Heidi N. Nickisch, Marek, David, Skokie Public Safety Commission, Zomaya, Atorina, Doran, Thomas, Ordinances, Mannard, Thomas, Oakton Street
Local fuel tax extended 2012-02-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 16, 2012 , p. 8 Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Taxation, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al, Lorge, Michael
Village takes steps to claim Oakton for its own 2012-02-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 16, 2012 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Schattner, Fred, Streets, Oakton Street, Rigoni, Al
Skokie makes hard grant choices in budget 2012-02-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 9, 2012 , p. 5 Harbour, Inc., North Shore Senior Center, Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR), Grants, Interfaith Housing Center of the Northern Suburbs, CJE Senior Life, Children's Advocacy Center of Northwest Cook County, Orchard Village, Skokie Board of Trustees, Search Developmental Center, Community Development Block Grants, Center for Enriched Living, Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center, SHORE Community Services, Inc., Haberstich, Carrie, Access to Care, Metropolitan Family Services, PEER Services, Lorge, Michael
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2012-01-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 26, 2012 , p. 6 Accelerated Rehabilitaion Center, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Meyer, Howard S., Shah, Harshad, Drachler, Dr. A. Michael, Weber Park, Weber Leisure Center, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Fitness First, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Skatium, Coney, James
Social agencies make case for federal grants 2012-01-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 12, 2012 , p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Van Dusen, George
Village Board Briefs 2012-01-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 12, 2012 , p. 6 Putrus, David, Skokie - Board of Health, Centre East Authority, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Collins, Mark, Laxpati, Dakshes, Reeder, Barbara, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Arnow, Dr. Murray, Kirkpatrick, Sharon Roos, Skokie Board of Trustees, Solovy, David, Skokie Plan Commission, Gerstner, Alan, Marcus, Richard, Perlin, Richard, Paradise, Morton, Skokie Police Department, Kelch, Daniel, Skokie Public Safety Commission, Widerman, Marilyn, Iwanicki, Kimberly
Skokie signs on to new mentoring program 2011-12-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 29, 2011 , p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Volunteer work, Skokie Park District, Public School District 69, Big Brothers Big Sisters Program, Murphy, Maureen
Elderly care project approved by Skokie trustees 2011-12-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 29, 2011 , p. 9 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees, Baker, Judy, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission, Aziz, Tony, Suffield Court, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Abrams, Ron
Village Board Briefs 2011-12-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 29, 2011 , p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Community Development Block Grants
New consortium aims to lower energy costs 2011-12-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 22, 2011 , p. 5 Slankard, Max, Public utilities, Commonwealth Edison, Skokie Board of Trustees, North Shore Electricity Aggregation Consortium, Rigoni, Al
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-12-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 15, 2011 , p. 6 Goyal, Krishna, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Rhodes, Jeff, Skokie Fine Arts Commission
Board ready for downtown facelift: Trustees leave road diet off of plan 2011-12-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 8, 2011 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Gewalt Hamilton and Associates, Skokie - City planning, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Village Board Briefs 2011-12-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 1, 2011 , p. 6 Community Giving Fund (formerly Assist a Family), Erickson, Kirk, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Traffic signals, Holden, Walter, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Skokie Public Safety Commission, Freireich, David
Mall makeover OK'd with large sign intact 2011-12-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 1, 2011 , p. 5 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Westfield Shoppingtown Old Orchard, Business - Shopping centers, Kashima, Hide, Lorge, Michael
Downtown Armenian restaurant gets help from village 2011-11-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 17, 2011 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Siunik Armenian Grill, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Kirakoysan, Levon, Interior Rehab Program Grant
Voters to decide on electricity plan 2011-11-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 10, 2011 , p. 5 Slankard, Max, Public utilities, Commonwealth Edison, Skokie Board of Trustees, Elections, Van Dusen, George, Rigoni, Al
Road kill: Oakton Street plan is rejected 2011-10-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 20, 2011 , p. 5 Hunter, Diana, Streets, Gewalt Hamilton and Associates, Oakton Street, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Perille, Donald, Schwartz, Seymour, Skokie Downtown Alliance, Sutker, Edie Sue, Active Transportation Alliance, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library, Schneider, Greg, Roberts, Randall, Rigoni, Al, Miles, Randy, Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Percy, Daniel
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-10-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 13, 2011 , p. 8 Widerman, Marilyn, Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Ditlove, Sherwin, Chandler, Mira, Petlicki, Myrna Gale, Gordon, Douglas, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dye, Victor
Sculpture approved for new downtown Skokie CTA station 2011-10-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 13, 2011 , p. 10 Art, Skokie Public Art Advisory Committee, Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Lewis, Evan, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
Businesses, residents square off on Oakton road diet 2011-10-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 6, 2011 , p. 13 Skokie Paint & Wallpaper, Streets, Gewalt Hamilton and Associates, Bob's Newsstand, Schneider, Gregg, Oakton Street, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Annie's Pancake House, Lanford, Rev. Richard, Gudgel, Karen, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Katzman, Bob, Tulen, Aileen, Gaite's Beauty Salon, Hochwert, Steve, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Skokie Chamber of Commerce
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-09-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 29, 2011 , p. 6 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Police Department, Soco, Ferdinand, Wolf, Judy
Chamber, merchants back Oakton Street road diet 2011-09-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 29, 2011 , p. 13 Skokie Board of Trustees, Streets, Oakton Street, Meyer, Howard, Skokie Chamber of Commerce
Skokie trustees hold off on elderly care home vote 2011-09-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 29, 2011 , p. 12 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Abrams, Ron, Long, Carol, Skokie Board of Trustees, Suffield Court, Jernberg, Keith, Perille, Donald, Lorge, Michael
Village Board Briefs 2011-09-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 15, 2011 , p. 6 Child care and day care centers, Tennes, Ann, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Centre East Authority, Pierre, Astride, Business
Property owner approved for new West Dempster grant 2011-09-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 15, 2011 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Commercial Rehabilitation Program, Grants, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Bolbolan, Anoshiravan, Thompson, Tom, Skokie Appearance Commission
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-08-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 18, 2011 , p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Plan calls for Skokie bike path extension south 2011-08-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 18, 2011 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sports - Cycling, Peyer, Peter, Lorge, Michael
Trustees clear way for fifth Backlot Bash 2011-08-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 11, 2011 , p. 5 Skokie Public Library, Skokie Board of Trustees, Youth Foundation of Skokie, Skokie Park District, Fairs and festivals, Backlot Bash, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Skokie Chamber of Commerce
Village Board Briefs 2011-07-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 14, 2011 , p. 6 Pershin, Bonnie, Harris, Ben, Bildires, Helen, Claus, Marcie, Ronderos, Fernando, Penning, Mark, Awards, prizes, etc., Skokie Public Safety Commission, Rosenberg, Rachel, DeCanniere, Andrew, Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Mannard, Thomas, Sood, Romil, Rosen, Bradley, Kushner, Mitchell, Skokie Board of Trustees, Abramson, Irv, Pandya, Rohit, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Berman, Scott, Blades, Owen, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Rubin, Joel, Anderson, Mark, Varma, Babu, Jacobs, Elana, Pitalis, Paul, Spector, Ariel, Shore, Debra, Skokie Fine Arts Commission
Liquor code could be changed to help spur Dempster development 2011-07-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 14, 2011 , p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, Van Dusen, George, Hanley, J. Patrick
Village Board Briefs 2011-06-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 30, 2011 , p. 6 Levin, Gerri, Skokie Board of Trustees, Hostalet, Gabriel, Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE), Marcus, Richard, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Collins, Mark, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Skokie Board and Visitors Bureau reach agreement 2011-06-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 16, 2011 , p. 8 Tennes, Ann, Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, North Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau
Village Board Briefs 2011-06-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 16, 2011 , p. 6 Hamel, Kay, Usman, Zia, Hickey, Brian, Skokie - Board of Health, Centre East Authority, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Rothman, Roselin, Varma, Ruth, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ghosh, Ananta, Berger, Ed, Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE), Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission
Skokie Village Board notes 2011-05-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 26, 2011 , p. 10 Ordinances, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Walgreens, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Monastero, Maria, Grossman, Ken, Svoboda, Lynn, Oberweis Dairy, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle
Village board reaches recycling agreement 2011-05-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 19, 2011 , p. 6 Recycling, Slankard, Max, Skokie Public Works Department, Skokie Board of Trustees, Groot Recycling and Waste Services Inc.
Skokie Village Board notes 2011-05-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 12, 2011 , p. 13 Steiner, Elaine, Carandang, Angeles 'Jelly', Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Walgreens, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Ruber, Barbara L., Gordon, Lloyd, Oberweis Dairy, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Oberweis to bring in 'new concept' store 2011-04-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 28, 2011 , p. 5 Oberweis Dairy, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Roberts, Randall, Lorge, Michael, Thompson, Tom, Value Transmission Center
Village Board Briefs 2011-04-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 14, 2011 , p. 6 Vicencio, Daniel, Skokie - Board of Health, Nidetz, Milton, Goldstein, Janice, Siegel, Andrea, Garbarini, Pamela, Skokie Police Department, Potash, Edward, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gross, Eva, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Pfaff, Cecile, Sandler, Mitchell, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission
Board: We won't tap reserves to balance budget 2011-04-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 14, 2011 , p. 5 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Lockerby, John, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-04-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 7, 2011 , p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Von Samek, Randie, Public School District 69, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Skokie Appearance Commission
Controversial Walgreens plan approved second time around 2011-04-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 7, 2011 , p. 3 Sutker, Edie Sue, Business - Drugstores and pharmacies, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Walgreens, Salganik, Eugene, Perille, Donald
New budget marked by tax freeze 2011-04-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 7, 2011 , p. 3 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rigoni, Al
Village panel backs Walgreens plan -- again 2011-03-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 24, 2011, p. 3 [print edition] Alternate date: Friday, March 18, 2011 [Newsbank database] Funk, Irv, Skokie Board of Trustees, Walgreens, Feferman, Mandel, Skokie Plan Commission, Salganik, Eugene, Marciani, Steve, Monahemi, Jacob, Monahemi, Merisa
Sign codes to be revamped 2011-03-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 24, 2011 , p. 3 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Skokie Appearance Commission
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-03-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 17, 2011 , p. 10 Ordinances, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Ippolito, Frank, Kelly, Joan, Curragh Irish Pub, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Halliburton, Michael
Village Board Briefs 2011-03-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 10, 2011 , p. 6 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Clark, Ann, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Marek, David, Merrill, Gary, Skokie Appearance Commission
Skokie plans property buy in historic downtown 2011-03-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 3, 2011 , p. 9 Real estate, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Hanley, J. Patrick
Plan commission gets another look at Walgreens move 2011-03-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 3, 2011 , p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Walgreens, Feferman, Mandel, Skokie Plan Commission
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-02-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 24, 2011 , p. 6 Young, Fran, Luke, Paul, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Vicker, Sharon, Klein, Ralph, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, O'Donnell, Brian, Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gross, Sheila, Skokie Plan Commission, Jones, David, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Lynk, Michael, Skokie Appearance Commission
Walgreens eyes second chance at new Dempster Street site 2011-02-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 10, 2011 , p. 6 [print edition] Alternate date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 [Newsbank database] Business - Drugstores and pharmacies, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Board of Trustees, Walgreens, Skokie Plan Commission, Perille, Donald, Monahemi, Merisa
Walgreens surprise: relocation plan nixed 2011-01-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 27, 2011 , p. 5 [print edition] Alternate date: Thursday, January 20, 2011 [Newsbank database] Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Walgreens, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission, Shah, Pramod, Monahemi, Merisa
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-01-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 27, 2011 , p. 13 Sampat, Pratap, Ordinances, Vazquez, Maria, Cling, Randall, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Coney, James, Skokie Police Department, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2011-01-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 13, 2011 , p. 6 Mosaic Early Childhood Center, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Martin Nissan Dealership
Village Briefs 2011-01-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 6, 2011 , p. 21 Community Giving Fund (formerly Assist a Family), Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Firefighters Benevolent Fund, Taxation, Poochies
Fine-tuning proposed for liquor license code 2010-12-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 30, 2010 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Alcohol, Van Dusen, George, Hanley, J. Patrick
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-12-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 9, 2010 , p. 6 Taxation - Property tax, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gavrilovic, Duke, Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Holden, Walter, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Enwia, Janette, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission
Skokie Village Board 2010-11-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 25, 2010 , p. 12 Zoning, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Polin, Dr. Stanton G., Skokie - Board of Health, Swenson, Roy, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission
New West Dempster TIF created in Skokie 2010-11-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 18, 2010 , p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Thompson, Tom
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-11-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 11, 2010 , p. 6 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Shah, Vip, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Grayless, Monica, Bauer, Joel, Luka, Lesley, Skokie Appearance Commission
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-11-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 4, 2010 , p. 6 Reylman, Dmitry, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission
Hurdle cleared for new cancer treatment clinic 2010-10-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 28, 2010 , p. 12 Health care, Zoning, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Block Medical
Village Board Briefs 2010-09-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 30, 2010 , p. 6 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Song, Unmi, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Soco, Ferdinand
Changes to outdoor dining rules approved 2010-09-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 30, 2010 , p. 16 Luke, Paul, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Novello, William, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission, Curragh Irish Pub, Westfield Shoppingtown Old Orchard
Dispute ends -- auto shop must move 2010-09-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 23, 2010 , p. 5 Tarshis, Avery, Donian, Susan, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Donian, Daniel Lee, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Hanley, J. Patrick, Value Transmission Center
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-09-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 16, 2010 , p. 6 Zoning, Darling, Jennifer, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Levine, Charles
Board OKs new police contract 2010-09-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 16, 2010 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Contract negotiations, Skokie Police Department
Special use request of Plan Commission would allow truck rentals 2010-09-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 16, 2010 , p. 13 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Budget Rent-A-Car
School OK'd, but not to applicant's satisfaction 2010-09-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 16, 2010 , p. 13 Gillani, Qasim, Zoning, Luke, Paul, Northwestern Driving School, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Cheriachangel, John
Arbitrator backs village on key economy claims 2010-09-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 2, 2010 , p. 7 Wattenbarger, Glenn, Ballowe, Christa, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Police Department, Rigoni, Al, Contract negotiations
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-09-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 2, 2010 , p. 6 Keshet Transition Program, Dornback, Tom, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Haben Funeral Home, Santos, Mariano
Board seeking IDOT grants for bike path, streetscape projects 2010-08-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 26, 2010 , p. 14 Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Illinois Department of Transportation, Schattner, Fred, Grants
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-08-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 19, 2010 , p. 23 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Board of Health, Swenson, Roy, Topouzian, Dr. Nancy, Johnny's Grill, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, McCarthy, James, Israel, Karyn
Downtown merchants cut some slack on sign code 2010-07-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 15, 2010 , p. 5 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Lorge, Michael, Miles, Randy
CTA station, bike path projects move forward 2010-07-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 15, 2010 , p. 10 Aleksic, Michael, Slankard, Max, Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Sports - Cycling, Transportation, Sports - Walking, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
Village Board Briefs 2010-07-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 1, 2010 , p. 6 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Ikeda, Fumie, Pillai, Anil, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Horowitz, Dayla
Parking concerns cited in denial for storage company 2010-06-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 17, 2010 , p. 5 Sutker, Edie Sue, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Storage facilities, Van Dusen, George
Skokie Swift contracts awarded for downtown 2010-06-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 17, 2010 , p. 5 Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Transportation, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Rigoni, Al
Village, residents set for town hall meeting 2010-06-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 10, 2010 , p. 5 Dolinko, Gary, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Voice, Skokie Police Department
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2010-05-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 27, 2010 , p. 8 Skokie Human Relations Commission, Ordinances, Centre East Authority, Chowdhury, Ruhul, Halliburton, Michael, Lapidos, Stanley, Guolee, Terrence, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Polonsky, Abby, Skokie Board of Trustees, Block Party of the Year Award, Skokie Health Department (formerly Skokie Public Health Department)
Skokie Village Board Notes 2010-05-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 13, 2010 , p. 6 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bailey, George, Skokie - Board of Health, Mallios, Dr. George, Quraishi, Zia, Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology
Downtown station nears build phase 2010-05-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 6, 2010 , p. 5 Slankard, Max, Commonwealth Edison, Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Transportation, Van Dusen, George, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
Skokie Village Board 2010-04-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 15, 2010 , p. 8 Nathan, Al, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Shear, Annie, Callistein, Sylvia, Sullivan, Harold, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Arenson, Marcia, Siegel, Andrea, Skokie Police Department, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dye, Victor
New trade school indicates industrial demand: village 2010-04-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 15, 2010 , p. 5 Zoning, Ida Crown Jewish Academy, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Schools, Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology
Downtown Subway gets village OK to change hours 2010-04-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 15, 2010 , p. 11 Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Subway
Skokie becomes named partner in pension coalition 2010-03-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 25, 2010 , p. 7 Collins, Dan, Skokie Board of Trustees, Government - Illinois, Roberts, Randall, Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities
Skokie Village Board 2010-03-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 25, 2010 , p. 6 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Report details status of Section 8 housing 2010-03-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 18, 2010 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Roberts, Randall, Grants, Housing, Thompson, Tom
Trade school eyed for east side of Skokie 2010-03-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 11, 2010 , p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology
Traffic restrictions OK'd for Ewing 2010-02-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 25, 2010 , p. 5 Ewing Avenue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Traffic regulations
Skokie approves new utility tax despite protests 2010-02-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 18, 2010 , p. 7 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, Abbasi, Habib, Tanner, James, Van Dusen, George, Taxation
Village Board Briefs 2010-02-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 11, 2010 , p. 12 Rath, Julia W., Gustin, Gary, Erickson, Kirk, Reed, Edward, Collins, Mark, Rothman, Roselin, Primack, Harold, Zoning, Neirick, Barbara, Reagan, Ronald, Hedegard, James M., Davis, Yvonne, Kempel, Lorraine, George, Thankamma, Skokie Board of Trustees, Chorney, Marla, Lartz, Heather, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Skokie Human Relations Commission, McCarron, Dr. Edward, Vicker, Sharon, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Brief, Rabbi Neil, Goldman, Jay, Davis, Leona, Perry, Nicole, Marcus, Richard, Geller, Mary, Doppelt, Arlene, Chatterjee, Sunil, Ordinances, Shear, Annie, Esangga, Romeo, Halliburton, Carolyn, Ghosh, Ananta, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Coney, James
Skokie trustees sign off on new utility tax 2010-02-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 4, 2010 , p. 7 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Taxation, Rigoni, Al
Skokie Village Meeting Notes 2010-01-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 28, 2010 , p. 7 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Gross, Sheila, Meyer, Howard S., Skokie Holiday Inn, Hoffman, Lina
Ida Crown school OK'd Rand McNally site 2010-01-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 28, 2010 , p. 5 Ida Crown Jewish Academy, Taxation - Property tax, Public School District 73 1/2 - Budget and expenditures, Jacobson, Bonnie, Perille, Donald, Sutker, Edie Sue, Zoning, Greenspan, Jeffrey, McNelis, James, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Skokie Plan Commission, John Middleton Elementary School
Decision time for Academy 2010-01-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 21, 2010 , p. 5 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Decision time for Academy 2010-01-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 21, 2010 , p. 4 Ida Crown Jewish Academy, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Year Ahead: Economy, big projects should highlight 2010 2010-01-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 7, 2010 , p. 5 Skokie Swift, Ida Crown Jewish Academy, Taxation - Property tax, Eminent domain, Illinois Department of Transportation, Skokie Hospital, Van Dusen, George, Westfield Shoppingtown Old Orchard, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Skokie Board of Trustees, Transportation, Arie Crown Hebrew Day School
Skokie's 2009 emerged as unprecedented year 2009-12-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 31, 2009, p. 5 Horace Mann Friend of Education Award, Ordinances, Skokie Hospital, Wallace, Corrie, Skokie Lanes, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Gelder, Michael, Skokie Police Department, English Language Learners (ELL) Center, Skokie Board of Trustees, Crime and criminals - Homicide, Foyteck, Kraig D., McCabe, Frank
Skokie Village Board Briefs 2009-12-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 17, 2009, p. 6 Mosaic Early Childhood Center, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Illinois Municipal League
Despite declining revenues, property tax freeze retained 2009-12-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 10, 2009, p. 5 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George
Gas station approved for Skokie's Dempster Street 2009-11-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 26, 2009, p. 5 Luke, Paul, Zoning, Shell Oil, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Lazer Battles
Downtown Swift project back on track 2009-11-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 19, 2009, p. 5 Slankard, Max, Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Illinois Department of Transportation, Transportation, Roberts, Randall, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Rigoni, Al
Skokie Hospital project gets final OK 2009-11-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 12, 2009, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Skokie Hospital, Marciani, Steve, Hospitals, Murtos, Kristen
Skokie Board Briefs 2009-11-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 12, 2009, p. 12 Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Holden, Walter
Tax hike eyed for first time in 19 years 2009-11-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 5, 2009, p. 5 Collins, Dan, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Nowak, Robert, Van Dusen, George, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al
Downtown action plan OK'd 2009-11-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 5, 2009, p. 10 Tennes, Ann, Skokie Board of Trustees, 4Insight, Skokie - City planning, Independent Merchants of Downtown Skokie, Thompson, Tom, Skokie Chamber of Commerce
Laser game business eyed for Dempster Street site 2009-10-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 22, 2009, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business, Marek, David, Voitik, Mike, Lazer Battles, Stasica, Lawrence
Skokie Village Board 2009-10-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 15, 2009, p. 6 Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Mannard, Thomas, Biljetina, Eric, Ditlove, Sherwin, Chandler, Mira, Rubenzik, Pearl W., Primack, Harold, Dornback, Tom, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Reitman, Michelle, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gavrilovic, Duke, Yan, Victoria, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Petlicki, Myrna Gale, Gordon, Douglas, Widerman, Marilyn
Stores will replace Old Orchard 'apple 2009-10-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 8, 2009, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Yan, Victoria, Westfield Shoppingtown Old Orchard, Business - Shopping centers, Perille, Donald, Kashima, Hide
Bigger budget approved for TIF's last four years 2009-09-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 17, 2009, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Thompson, Tom
Controversial Skokie synagogue project tabled until October 2009-09-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 17, 2009, p. 5 Zoning, Luke, Paul, Horberg, Debra, Skokie Board of Trustees, Synagogues, Skokie Plan Commission, Church Street Synagogue, Inc., Gelman, Rabbi Shaanan, Perille, Donald
Skokie declares intent for new TIF 2009-09-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 17, 2009, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Thompson, Tom
Board OKs merger of disabilities and human services commissions 2009-09-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 17, 2009, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Commission on Family Services, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, DiFrancesca, Maureen Murphy, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services
Village Board Briefs 2009-08-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 27, 2009, p. 13 Gustin, Gary, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Desai, Minai, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Salaries
Funeral home approved after marathon testimony 2009-08-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 20, 2009, p. 5 Jacobson, David, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Chicago Jewish Funerals, Shah, Pramod, Dorman, Karen, Perille, Donald, Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Leipsiger, Marilyn, Sutker, Edie Sue
Skokie plans reach out to immigrants 2009-08-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 13, 2009, p. 5 Millennia Consulting, Skokie Board of Trustees, Immigrants, Grants, Chicago Community Trust, Immigration Integration Advisory Grant Committee
Ideal downtown market within 3 miles 2009-08-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 6, 2009, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, 4Insight, Surveys and studies, Skokie - City planning
Swift Child Care approved for major expansion 2009-08-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 6, 2009, p. 5 Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Swift Child Care, Downtown Facade Assistance Program, A & Y, LLC., Perille, Donald, Thompson, Tom
Skokie Village Board 2009-07-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 23, 2009, p. 6 Skokie Public Art Advisory Committee, Baysinger, Sonya, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dougan, Walter, Curragh Irish Pub, Bulucos, Donald J., Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities
Trustees reconsider rejected funeral home plan 2009-07-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 23, 2009, p. 5 Jacobson, David, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Chicago Jewish Funerals, Ajanovic, Ibrahim, Shah, Pramod, Ajanovic, Selma, Perille, Donald, Lorge, Michael, Sutker, Edie Sue
Irish pub, Skokie reach compromise on closing time 2009-07-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 16, 2009, p. 8 Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission, Waddell, Doug, Curragh Irish Pub
Skokie Village Briefs 2009-07-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 9, 2009, p. 4 Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Backlot Bash, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Varma, Babu, Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Claus, Marcie, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Abramson, Irv, Madhiwala, Kirit, Pandya, Rohit
Surprise vote sinks funeral home plans 2009-07-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 9, 2009, p. 3 Jacobson, David, Business - Funeral homes, Chicago Jewish Funerals, Ajanovic, Ibrahim, Van Dusen, George, Ajanovic, Selma, Perille, Donald, Leipsiger, Marilyn, Sutker, Edie Sue, Pilloff, Alan, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission, Shah, Pramod, Lorge, Michael
Liquor code overhaul OK'd 2009-07-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 2, 2009, p. 11 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Alcohol, Van Dusen, George, Hanley, J. Patrick
Economic woes: Board OKs first deficit budget in memory 2009-06-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 18, 2009, p. 7 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lockerby, John, Nowak, Robert, Van Dusen, George
$25 million bond sale OK'd for police station 2009-06-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 18, 2009, p. 6 Sente Rubel Bosman Lee Architects, Ltd., Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal buildings, Rigoni, Al, Skokie Police Department
Stimulus package worth $650,000 to Skokie 2009-06-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 18, 2009, p. 5 Government - U.S., Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants, Rigoni, Al
Skokie Village Notes 2009-06-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 4, 2009, p. 6 Shah, Vip, Usman, Zia, Kramer, Eugene, Ordinances, Skokie - Board of Health, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Schwartz, Brandon, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Shamoun, Emmanuel, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Varma, Ruth, Skokie Appearance Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees
$18 million OK'd for police station work 2009-06-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 4, 2009, p. 5 Sente Rubel Bosman Lee Architects, Ltd., Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal buildings, Rigoni, Al, Skokie Police Department
Board urged to allow small electric vehicles on streets 2009-05-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 28, 2009, p. 8 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Channin, Dr. David, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Lorge, Michael
Skokie Village Board notes 2009-05-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 28, 2009, p. 6 Carandang, Angeles 'Jelly', Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Skokie Plan Commission, Klein, Ralph, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Swenson, Linda, Grossman, Ken, Svoboda, Lynn, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees
Board dipping into reserves to cover budget deficit 2009-05-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 14, 2009, p. 6 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nowak, Robert, Van Dusen, George
Skokie Village notes 2009-05-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 14, 2009, p. 12 Prince, Dr. Clifford, Ruth, Todd, Plotkin, Dr. William, Waxberg, Ellen, Kempel, Lorraine, Lipschultz, Dr. Herbert S., Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Lartz, Heather, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Steiner, Elaine, Skokie - Board of Health, Bailey, George, McCarron, Dr. Edward, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Drachler, Dr. A. Michael, Nudelman, Melvin D., Geller, Mary, Shemroske, Patrick, Doppelt, Arlene, Skokie Appearance Commission, Taxation, Gordon, Lloyd, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Lynk, Michael, Ruber, Barbara L.
New board sworn in for 4-year stint 2009-05-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 7, 2009, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Politics - Skokie Caucus Party, Shah, Pramod, McCabe, Frank, Gelder, Michael, Williams, Marlene, Rigoni, Al, Sutker, Edie Sue
Trustees Gelder, McCabe bid farewell 2009-04-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 30, 2009, p. 7 Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Shah, Pramod, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Gelder, Michael, Lorge, Michael
Nuisance ordinance draws ire of landlords 2009-04-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 23, 2009, p. 6 Hickey, Brian, Blackwell, Sharon, Ordinances, Roberts, Randall, Nuisance and Intervention Prevention Committee, Rigoni, Al, Housing, Hanley, J. Patrick, Sutker, Edie Sue, Turza, Gregory, Skokie Board of Trustees
Fuel tax OK'd over gas station owner protests 2009-04-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 9, 2009, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Taxation, Rigoni, Al
Village challenges fire department promotions ruling 2009-04-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 2, 2009, p. 7 Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Ballowe, Christa, Skokie Board of Trustees, Unions - Skokie Firefighters' Union, Local 3033, Skokie Fire Department, Rigoni, Al
Skokie clarifies new rules on yard waste 2009-03-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 26, 2009, p. 6 Refuse and refuse disposal, Skokie Public Works Department, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie eliminates grass pickup service 2009-03-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 19, 2009, p. 7 Slankard, Max, Refuse and refuse disposal, Skokie Public Works Department, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, McCabe, Frank, Rigoni, Al
Skokie Meeting Notes 2009-03-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 19, 2009, p. 6 Bud, Manny, Ordinances, Centre East Authority, Von Samek, Randie, Kelly, Joan, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Advisory Commission on Disabilities, Shamoun, Emmanuel, Levin, Gerri, Skokie Board of Trustees
Senior trustee re-examines 36 years of accomplishment 2009-03-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 2009, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank
McCabe's 36 years as trustee wind down 2009-03-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 2009, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank
Village Board notes 2009-03-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 2009, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Ippolito, Frank, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission
Property nuisance cases addressed by trustees 2009-03-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 2009, p. 10 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rigoni, Al
Funding OK'd for upgrades to southeast sites 2009-02-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 12, 2009, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, SSA (special-service area), Thompson, Tom
Skokie Meeting Notes 2009-02-12 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 12, 2009, p. 6 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Human Relations Commission, Centre East Authority, O'Coney, James, Baum, Dave
New district could open industry zones to retail 2009-02-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 5, 2009, p. 12 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Maintenance standards set for village vacant buildings 2009-01-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 29, 2009, p. 8 Renovation and repair, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Roberts, Randall, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald
New zoning districts created 2009-01-15 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 15, 2009, p. 7 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Marciani, Steve, Skokie Temporary Zoning Commission, Perille, Donald
14 agencies apply for CDBG funding 2009-01-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 8, 2009, p. 8 Niles Township Food Pantry, Harbour, Inc., North Shore Senior Center, Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR), Grants, Social agencies, Community development, Children's Advocacy Center of Northwest Cook County, Skokie Board of Trustees, Search Developmental Center, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, Skokie Park District, Community Development Block Grants, Center for Enriched Living, Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE), SHORE Community Services, Inc., Access to Care, PEER Services
5 restaurants tabbed for Touhy Centre 2008-12-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 25, 2008, p. 4 Potbelly Sandwich Works, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Touhy Centre, Starbuck's, XSport Fitness, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Garden Fresh Market, Voitik, Mike, Kish-Wruck, Amy, Business - Shopping centers, Sweet Tomatoes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Dunkin' Donuts planned for new center 2008-12-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 18, 2008, p. 6 Dunkin' Donuts, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission, McCarthy, Jim, Gross Point Crossings, Kish-Wruck, Amy, Business - Shopping centers
Caucus slate includes two newcomers 2008-12-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 11, 2008, p. 10 Elections, Politics - Skokie Caucus Party, McCarthy, Jim, Van Dusen, George, Gelder, Michael, Williams, Marlene, Perille, Donald, Lorge, Michael, Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Roberts, Randall, Shah, Pramod, McCabe, Frank
Skokie takes big step in adopting a 'green' policy 2008-11-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 27, 2008, p. 10 Slankard, Max, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Energy conservation, Van Dusen, George, Berman, Scott, Gelder, Michael, Perille, Donald
Zoning amended to foster wind use 2008-11-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 20, 2008, p. 5 Zoning, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Energy conservation, Skokie Plan Commission, McCabe, Frank, Perille, Donald, Hanley, J. Patrick
Environmental policy proposed for Skokie 2008-11-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 13, 2008, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Energy conservation, Hanley, J. Patrick
Village Notes 2008-11-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 13, 2008, p. 6 Congregation Or Torah, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Water supply
Parking becomes key in downtown development 2008-10-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 30, 2008, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Marciani, Steve, Skokie - City planning, Parking
Panel backs changes for zoning to lure developers 2008-10-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 30, 2008, p. 7 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nicholas, Peter, Skokie - City planning, Van Dusen, George, Skokie Temporary Zoning Commission
Skokie officials optimistic for eminent domain settlement 2008-10-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 30, 2008, p. 5 Donian, Susan, Eminent domain, Skokie Board of Trustees, Donian, Daniel Lee, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, West Dempster Street Business Redevelopment District, Hanley, J. Patrick, Value Transmission Center
Outdoor dining OK'd at new Panda Express 2008-10-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 23, 2008, p. 9 Zoning, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission, Panda Express
Mocking named '08 Neighbor of the Year 2008-10-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 23, 2008, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Mocking, Fred, Awards, prizes, etc.
Village Board Briefs 2008-10-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 23, 2008, p. 6 Polin, Dr. Stanton G., Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Safian, Roger, Eterno, David, Crayner, William, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services, Skokie Police Department, Davis, Leona, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Greenspan, Jeffrey, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Health Department (formerly Skokie Public Health Department)
Skokie to buy Village Green art 2008-10-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 9, 2008, p. 5 Art, Skokie Board of Trustees, Glowing of Such Fire, The, Taylor, Ralph
Meeting Notes 2008-10-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 2, 2008, p. 10 Farber, Joanne, Song, Unmi, Davis, Yvonne, Vicker, Sharon, Skokie Fire Department, Soco, Ferdinand, Bernstein, Lester, Zoning, Skokie Cable Television Advisory Commission, Skokie Public Library, Skokie Board of Trustees, Kainer, Matthew, Skokie Traffic Safety Commission, Skokie Fine Arts Commission, Moskovits, Paula Beth, Skokie Beautification and Improvement Commission, Skokie Advisory Commission on Human Services
Trustees bless Ethical Society 1996-03-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 7, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 3 Churches, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago, Organizations and societies
Latest flood work approved 1996-02-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 8, 1996, p. 4 Flood control, DiPaolo Co., Skokie Board of Trustees
Senior care center nixed once again 1996-02-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 8, 1996, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Marriott Corporation, Zoning, Brighton Gardens, Skokie Board of Trustees, North Shore Towers
Nursing facility nixed - again : Village vetoes plan for second time 1996-02-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 8, 1996, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Brighton Gardens, Skokie Board of Trustees, Carbonell, George, Marriott Senior Living Services Inc.
Another delay for zoning rule changes 1996-01-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 25, 1996, p. 4 Molumby, Robert, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Trustees accept police pact 1996-01-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 4, 1996, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Contract negotiations, Skokie Police Department
Police pact settled at last 1995-12-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 21, 1995, p. 3 Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 68, Skokie Board of Trustees, Bock, Carl, Bowman, Herbert, Skokie Police Department, Salaries
Brighton plan reconsidered : New site zoning contemplated 1995-12-21 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 21, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Marriott Senior Living Services Inc.
Plan nixed for seniors housing 1995-12-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 7, 1995, p. 9 Marriott Corporation, Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Brighton Gardens, Skokie Board of Trustees
Board rejects nursing home : Brighton Gardens plan stalled 1995-12-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 7, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Brighton Gardens, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Marriott Senior Living Services Inc.
News box rules get first OK 1995-11-30 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 30, 1995, p. 17 Skokie Board of Trustees, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Rigoni, Al
Village levy presented 1995-11-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 23, 1995, p. 4 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nowak, Robert
Marriott plans hit a wall at Village Board 1995-11-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 23, 1995, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Marriott Corporation, Zoning, Brighton Gardens, Skokie Board of Trustees, Perille, Donald
New limits set in right-of-way 1995-11-23 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 23, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Alden home now a court battle 1995-11-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 9, 1995, p. 7 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Alden Management Services Inc., Main Kedvale Corporation
Casino sharing gets cool support 1995-10-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 19, 1995, p. 7 Northwest Municipal Conference, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gambling and lotteries, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Rigoni, Al
Nursing home parking rules hiked 1995-10-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 5, 1995, p. 4 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Molumby, Robert, Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking
Balcor site plan OK's by Skokie 1995-09-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 21, 1995, p. 15 Orchard Place L.L.C., Saywitz, Mitchell, Skokie Board of Trustees, Sweetow, Herb, Construction, Skokie Plan Commission, Gorell, Jacqueline
Balcor plan moves forward 1995-09-21 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 21, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 7 Orchard Place L.L.C., Business - Retail, Construction, Skokie Plan Commission, Vogue Tyre and Rubber Co., Balcor Building, Marshall's, Linens and Things, Zoning, Saywitz, Mitchell, Skokie Board of Trustees
Elm program widened 1995-09-14 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 14, 1995, p. 4 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Trees and plants, Skokie Board of Trustees
Bagel eatery may hit the spot 1995-09-07 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 7, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 1 Orchard Place L.L.C., Skokie Board of Trustees, Edwardo's Natural Pizza Restaurant, Country Bagel Bakery, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Heitman, Jack
More sidewalks to be ramped 1995-08-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 24, 1995, p. 4 M&C Scavelli Inc., Sidewalks, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rigoni, Al
More sewer work set 1995-08-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 24, 1995, p. 4 DiPaolo Co., Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, Rigoni, Al
Public lots may relieve crowding 1995-08-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 24, 1995, p. 13 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking, Rigoni, Al
Trustees approve parkway elm program 1995-07-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 20, 1995, p. 4 Trees and plants, Manak, Don, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dutch Elm Disease, Streets, Cooke, Pam
Cable report leaves questions 1995-07-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 20, 1995, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Cable Television Foundation, TCI of Illinois, Cable television, Gorell, Jacqueline
Skokie gets public image consultant 1995-07-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 6, 1995, p. 4 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rigoni, Al
Old Orchard bus stop OK's 1995-07-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 6, 1995, p. 4 PACE, Skokie Board of Trustees, Old Orchard Shopping Center, Transportation
Nursing home plan killed off - again 1995-07-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 6, 1995, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alden Management Services Inc., Croft, Manly
Alden suffers reversal 1995-07-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 6, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 1 Hansen-Radler Realty Co., Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alden Management Services Inc., Sander, Jean
Neighbors say fight continues on home 1995-06-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 29, 1995, p. 9 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees, Vrdolyak, Ed, Meyer, Barbara, Cheiken, Joan, Gorell, Jacqueline
Village raises approved 1995-06-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 29, 1995, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, Klopfer, Gail Jones, Municipal employees, Salaries, Rigoni, Al, Mueller, Henry E.
Oakton site options eyed 1995-06-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 22, 1995, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eagle Food Centers Inc., Oakridge Properties, Community development, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al
Historic label now throws wrench into Swift station work 1995-06-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 22, 1995, p. 3 PACE, Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council, Skokie Swift, Skokie Board of Trustees, Regional Transit Authority (RTA), Wagner, Nancy, National Register of Historic Places, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
Mall's Bloomingdale's set to open Sept.1 1995-06-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 22, 1995, p. 15 Business - Retail, Bloomingdale's, Skokie Board of Trustees, Old Orchard Shopping Center, Construction
Neighbors furious over vote to OK nursing home 1995-06-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 8, 1995, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Zoning Board of Appeals, Skokie Board of Trustees, Sassin, David, Alden Management Services Inc., Gorell, Jacqueline
Eagle restrictions rejected 1995-05-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 18, 1995, p. 3 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Baron, Marlene, Eagle Food Centers Inc., Business - Grocery stores, Rigoni, Al, Fanfan, Emilio
Eagle store gets zoning 1995-05-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 4, 1995, p. 3 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eagle Food Centers Inc., Oakridge Properties, Business - Grocery stores, Fairlanes Oakton Bowl
District 219 1995-05-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 4, 1995, p. 28 Scholarships and fellowships, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dedhia, Neil, Private Industry Council of Northern Cook County (PIC), Skrolevetsky, Alina
Skokie 1995-96 budget leaps to 70.5 million 1995-04-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 27, 1995, p. 3 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Vanderpool, Mark, Skokie Board of Trustees, Rigoni, Al
Village workers get raise 1995-04-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 20, 1995, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Salaries
Village tentatively approves bond sale 1995-04-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 20, 1995, p. 4 Industrial Development Bond Issue Authority, Georgia Nut Company, Skokie Board of Trustees, Thompson, Tom
Reconsider plan, Nees tells board 1995-04-20 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 20, 1995, p. 3 Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois, Skokie Board of Trustees, Nees, Michael, Skokie Historical Society, Railroads, Operation Greenlight, Gorell, Jacqueline
Trustees turn down Touhy nursing home 1995-03-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 23, 1995, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alden Management Services Inc., Main Kedvale Corporation
Sidewalks OK'd 1995-03-16 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 16, 1995, p. 3 Sidewalks, Skokie Board of Trustees, B. Scavelli, Streets, Nakai, Eddy
Beauty shop gets zoning 1995-03-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 9, 1995, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ferdinand, Mark, Margolis, Ed, Schattner, Fred, McCabe, Frank, Fritzshall, Robert, Business - Beauty salons and spas, Creative Hairdressers, Barbour, Richard, Zoning
Tennis club wins expansion approval 1995-03-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 9, 1995, p. 4 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Fitness clubs, Touhy Tennis Club
Tennis club nets easy win 1995-03-09 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 9, 1995, Sec. 1, p. 7 Huang, Bob, Edens Tennis Club, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Fitness clubs
Skokie offers help for fixeruppers 1995-02-23 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 23, 1995, Sec. 3, p. 6 Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants, Community development, Housing
Club's zoning fight again up before board 1995-02-02 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 2, 1995, p. 3 Edens Tennis Club, Zoning, Randall, Jeff, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Tennis Club Limited Partnership
Group home fight continues while Karlov house is empty 1995-01-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 26, 1995, p. 13 Lefkow, Joan, Housing - Group homes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Meyer, Barbara, North Shore Chicago Rehabilitation Inc.
Cable TV refunds uncertain 1995-01-05 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 5, 1995, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Szczepaniak, Jim, TCI of Illinois, Cable television
Board upholds ban on pickup parking 1994-09-15 Trustees voted to continue a truck parking ban. Skokie Review, Thursday, September 15, 1994, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking
No bucking anti-trucking contingents 1994-09-15 Trustees voted to continue a truck parking ban. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 15, 1994, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking
Board to rule on truck parking 1994-09-08 The village is set to rule on a truck parking ordinance. Skokie Review, Thursday, September 8, 1994, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking
Village decision might threaten condo project 1994-06-23 Village trustees split a vote in a condominium zoning decision. Skokie Review, Thursday, June 23, 1994, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
Skokie reigns in Cable Foundation 1994-06-23 The Skokie Board of Trustees will be monitoring the Skokie Cable Foundation more closely. Skokie Review, Thursday, June 23, 1994, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Cable Television Foundation, Cable television
Answers sought on cable money 1994-06-23 The Skokie Board of Trustees will be monitoring the Skokie Cable Foundation more closely. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 23, 1994, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Cable Television Foundation, Cable television
Garage rehab requirements ruling delayed 1994-05-05 The village board delayed making a zoning ruling on an Amoco gas station at 4000 Oakton. Skokie Review, Thursday, May 5, 1994, p. 7 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Amoco, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Board stands firm on its curb ramps 1994-05-05 Skokie trustees have decided that the village can't make all 2100 sidewalks handicapped accessible in one year. Resident Henry Levun is protesting this decision. Skokie Review, Thursday, May 5, 1994, p. 3 Sidewalks, Skokie Board of Trustees, Levun, Henry
Curb ramping speedup nixed but better planning may help 1994-05-05 Skokie trustees have decided that the village can't make all 2100 sidewalks handicapped accessible in one year. Resident Henry Levun is protesting this decision. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 5, 1994, Sec. 1, p. 1 Sidewalks, Skokie Board of Trustees, Levun, Henry
Pact sought on car repair shop 1994-05-05 The village board delayed making a zoning ruling on an Amoco gas station at 4000 Oakton. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 5, 1994, Sec. 1, p. 1 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Amoco, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Trustees ordered to meet before judge 1994-01-13 The Village Board and a Chicago company have been ordered to attend a settlement meeting to discuss a group home for brain-injured adults. Skokie Review, Thursday, January 13, 1994, p. 3 North Shore Rehabilitation, Housing - Group homes, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Man wants a space for his pickup 1994-01-13 A local resident would like to see a change in the law which prohibits parking trucks, including pickups, on the street. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 13, 1994, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking
Home lawsuit deal likely 1993-09-30 A settlement appears close in a lawsuit between Skokie and the owners of a proposed rehabilitation institute. Skokie Review, Thursday, September 30, 1993, p. 3 Housing - Group homes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Litigation
Residents slam nearly everything 1993-07-08 Many complaints were voiced at a recent village board meeting. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 8, 1993, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Group home operators file suit against Skokie 1993-04-08 The Village of Skokie is being sued by a Chicago company that wishes to build a group home for brain-injured adults in Skokie. Skokie Review, Thursday, April 8, 1993, p. 6 Housing - Group homes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Litigation
U.S. court may rule on group home 1993-04-01 Operators of a proposed group home have filed a suit against Skokie after they were denied a permit. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 1, 1993, Sec. 1, p. 1 Housing - Group homes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Litigation
Unique' housing project on the way 1992-12-10 The village board has approved a new residential and commercial development in downtown Skokie. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 10, 1992, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community development
Centre East, Skokie avert split 1992-06-04 The village board approved the latest construction proposal for the new Centre East. Skokie Review, Thursday, June 4, 1992, p. 3 Performing arts, Skokie Board of Trustees, Centre East for the Performing Arts
Centre East plan gets tentative OK 1992-06-04 The village board approved the latest construction proposal for the new Centre East. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 4, 1992, Sec. 1, p. 1 Performing arts, Skokie Board of Trustees, Centre East for the Performing Arts
Village, Goodwill OK recycling pact 1992-04-09 The Village of Skokie approved a contract with Goodwill Industries for pickup of household items for recycling. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 9, 1992, Sec. 1, p. 3 Goodwill Industries, Recycling, Refuse and refuse disposal, Skokie Board of Trustees, Charities
Skokie OKs area trash plan 1992-03-05 Village trustees approved a project use agreement between Skokie and the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County Skokie Review, Thursday, March 5, 1992, p. 17 Refuse and refuse disposal, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), Skokie Board of Trustees
Cable group's funding eyed 1992-01-09 Skokie trustees questioned the Cable TV Foundation about its funding. Skokie Review, Thursday, January 9, 1992, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Cable Television Foundation, Cable television
Cable TV public access goes begging 1992-01-09 Skokie trustees questioned the Cable TV Foundation about its funding. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 9, 1992, Sec. 1, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Cable Television Foundation, Cable television
Trustees OK 1st gas mini-mart 1991-10-10 Skokie trustees approved the first of what is expected to be a flood of requests for gas station mini-marts. Skokie Review, Thursday, October 10, 1991, p. 3 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Gas station keeps food mart 1991-08-29 Trustees approved a Skokie Plan Commission recommendation which would allow John Graham to continue to operate a mini-food mart at 5343 Touhy. Skokie Review, Thursday, August 29, 1991, p. 10 Graham, John, Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Trustees call ritual a funeral home job 1991-07-18 Skokie trustees approved a plan commission recommendation that zoning amendments not be changed to allow Tahara, a Jewish ritual washing of the dead, at a funerary business. Skokie Review, Thursday, July 18, 1991, p. 3 Business - Funeral homes, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lloyd Mandel Funerals, Religion - Judaism
Corpse-washing ritual nixed for Dempster mall 1991-07-18 The village board rejected a funeral-arrangement firm's request to allow corpse washing rituals at a Dempster St. office. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 18, 1991, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Funeral homes, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lloyd Mandel Funerals, Religion - Judaism
Lottery ban at stations fuels anger 1990-05-31 Skokie Village trustees approved a zoning amendment that makes sales of lottery tickets illegal at Skokie automobile service stations. Skokie Review, Thursday, May 31, 1990, p. 3 Zoning, Gambling and lotteries, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Skokie may lease ComEd site for recycling center 1989-12-14 Commonwealth Edison and Skokie Village officials have negotiated the lease of a site to be used as Skokie's new recycling center. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 14, 1989, p. 4 Recycling, Commonwealth Edison, Skokie Board of Trustees, Buildings
Task force hopes plan will revive downtown 1989-10-19 Village officials and downtown merchants hope suggestions they presented to village trustees on October 16 will help revive the central business district. Skokie Review, Thursday, October 19, 1989, p. 3 Skokie Downtown Task Force, Skokie Board of Trustees, Surveys and studies
Task force unveils plans for downtown 1989-10-19 The Downtown Skokie Task Force recommended plans to the Village Board, based on a study it conducted with the help of a consulting firm from Chicago. The Task Force studied the Lincoln Avenue-Oakton Street area for the past five months. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 19, 1989, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Downtown Task Force, Skokie Board of Trustees, Lincoln Avenue, Surveys and studies, Oakton Street
Village mulls special tax for Dempster shops 1989-10-05 Skokie's village manager wants village officials to approve a special taxing district for the eastern end of Dempster street. Skokie Review, Thursday, October 5, 1989, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Taxation, Dempster Street
Store plan OK'd for teletype factory 1989-06-08 The old AT&T Teletype factory will be converted to about 15 stores under a site plan the Skokie Village Board approved June 5. The 422,000-square-foot conversion is the third and final phase to be approved as part of the Village Crossing shopping Center. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 8, 1989, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Village Crossing Shopping Center, AT&T Teletype Corporation, Business - Shopping centers
Firefighters, Skokie going to arbitration 1989-05-11 The Village of Skokie and Skokie Firefighters Local 3033 will be going to arbitration later this year to resolve an impasse in negotiations over a pay raise for firefighters. Skokie Review, Thursday, May 11, 1989, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, International Association of Firefighters Local 3033, Skokie Fire Department, Contract negotiations, Salaries
Former trustee says goodbye to Skokie 1989-04-20 After living for 30 years in Skokie, former village trustee Bill Elliott is moving to Washington, D.C. where his wife is a member of the Federal Elections Commission. Skokie Review, Thursday, April 20, 1989, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Elliott, William
Truck, van owners could get parking relief 1989-02-02 A proposed zoning ordinance would allow B-plate vehicles without commercial lettering on the side or top to be parked on residential streets. Skokie Review, Thursday, February 2, 1989, p. 3 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Trucks, Parking
Study to target central business district woes 1989-01-19 The Village Board agreed to allocate up to $25,000 for a study of the troubled central business district as a first step toward revitalizing downtown Skokie. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 19, 1989, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business, Surveys and studies, Skokie - City planning
Canal funds may be jeopardized 1989-01-05 In order to protect future federal funding for canal-bank beautification along McCormick Blvd., a village official urged the Skokie Village board to consider formally declaring the banks a redevelopment district. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 5, 1989, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, McCormick Boulevard, Community development
Downtown task force is appointed 1988-08-18 The Village Board approved Mayor Jacqueline Gorell's appointment of a task force to plan ways to revitalize Skokie's downtown area. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 18, 1988, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Downtown Task Force, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gorell, Jacqueline
Chief: Business lock box would assist firefighters 1988-06-23 Skokie Village Trustees approved drafting an ordinance that would require lockboxes as part of the alarm system for some 110 local businesses. Skokie Review, Thursday, June 23, 1988, p. 18 Fire prevention, Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business
Petroski cool under political fire 1988-06-23 Betty Petroski's appointment to the Skokie Village Board has caused a great deal of debate. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 23, 1988, Sec. 1, p. 1 Petroski, Betty, Skokie Board of Trustees, Politics
Petroski named to trustee post 1988-06-09 Betty Petroski has been appointed to the Skokie Board of Trustees. Skokie Review, Thursday, June 9, 1988, p. 3 Petroski, Betty, Skokie Board of Trustees
Takeover' by Dems hit as Petroski joins board 1988-06-09 Skokie trustee William Elliott objects to the way the Skokie Caucus Party approved State Representative Cal Sutker's (D-56th) choice of Betty Petroski, a Niles Township trustee, for a Skokie trustee seat. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 9, 1988, Sec. 1, p. 1 Petroski, Betty, Skokie Board of Trustees, Elliott, William, Sutker, Calvin, Politics - Skokie Caucus Party
Dem 'takeover' charges fly 1988-05-26 Skokie Mayor Jackie Gorell plans to ask the Village Board to appoint Betty Petroski to fill her seat as a Village trustee. Gorell's seat was vacated when she became the mayor. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 26, 1988, Sec. 1, p. 1 Petroski, Betty, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gorell, Jacqueline, Government - Skokie
News digest 1988-03-31 Skokie will have a new trustee by the end of April. The vacancy was created when Albert Smith resigned from the mayor's seat and Jackie Gorell, formerly a trustee, was appointed to succeed Smith. Skokie Review, Thursday, March 31, 1988, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Smith, Albert J., Mayors, Gorell, Jacqueline, Government - Skokie
Contract gives Skokie firefighters 4.5% raise 1988-02-18 More than a year after negotiations began, Skokie and its' firefighters union have agreed on their first labor contract. Both management and labor representatives say they are pleased with the three-year contract. Skokie Review, Thursday, February 18, 1988, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Contract negotiations
News Digest: A veteran's memorial 1988-02-18 A veteran's memorial will stand in front of the flagpoles on the Village Hall's front lawn. Plans for the memorial were approved by village trustees on February 15. Skokie Review, Thursday, February 18, 1988, p. 4 Armed Forces - Veterans, Skokie Board of Trustees, Memorials, tributes, and remembrances
Skokie ties plaza OK to cleanup 1988-02-04 Skokie trustees voted 5-1 in favor of a conceptual site plan for an 810,000 square-foot shopping center on the site of the AT&T Teletype Corporation. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 4, 1988, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, AT&T Teletype Corporation, Business - Shopping centers
News digest 1987-12-31 A plan for a 48-unit subsidized housing development for the elderly was approved by the Skokie Board of Trustees on December 21. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 31, 1987, p. 19 Skokie Board of Trustees, Aged, Housing - Apartment buildings
Building for elderly approved 1987-12-24 Skokie trustees approved the construction of a subsidized apartment building for seniors. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 24, 1987, Sec. 2, p. 2 Skokie Board of Trustees, Aged, Housing - Apartment buildings
AT&T site rezoned to shopping district 1987-12-10 The AT&T property has been rezoned from an industrial area to a retail area. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 10, 1987, p. 4 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, AT&T Teletype Corporation, Business - Shopping centers
Flammables to be moved above ground 1987-11-05 All but one village trustee approved Searle's plan to move flammable substances used for research from underground storage to above ground storage. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 5, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Fire prevention, G.D. Searle & Co., Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Pharmaceutical companies
Four screen theater rejected 1987-09-24 Skokie trustees have rejected a controversial plan to build a four-screen movie theater near the North Shore Hilton. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 24, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Motion picture theaters, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction
Board amends smoking ordinance 1987-07-23 Village trustees agreed that the village would not enforce the workplace provisions of the anti-smoking ordinance approved last month. They also unanimously approved 11 amendments to the ordinance. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 23, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Smoking
Trustees turn down apartments 1987-07-23 Village trustees voted against the construction of an apartment building planned for the northeast corner of Carol Street and LeClaire Avenue. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 23, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, Housing - Apartment buildings
Smoking law vote delayed 1987-06-04 Village trustees postponed a vote on smoking restrictions after two hours of debate on June 1. They are scheduled to vote on June 15 on an ordinance that may be the toughest in the state. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 4, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Smoking
Meter running on taxi-fare hike 1987-05-21 Citing a "sufficient degree of confusion," Skokie trustees deferred consideration of a complex taxi fare increase. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 21, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Taxi cabs, Skokie Board of Trustees
Ninety-day ban set on new mini-marts with carry-out food 1987-03-19 The Skokie Board of Trustees has decided to impose a 90-day moratorium on new carry-out operations at convenience food stores. Skokie Review, Thursday, March 19, 1987, p. 7 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees
Day care ordinance debated 1987-02-19 The Skokie Board of Trustees has give preliminary approval to plans to regulate child care centers in private homes. The Skokie Plan Commission will review the plans. Skokie Review, Thursday, February 19, 1987, p. 3 Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Skokie Plan Commission
Day care in houses may be regulated 1987-02-19 Village trustees are sending an ordinance to the Plan Commission for consideration. The ordinance would define and govern home-based day care centers. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 19, 1987, Sec. 1, p. 1 Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Skokie Plan Commission
Orthodox synagogue plan to go before village board 1987-01-29 After approval from the Plan Commission, plans for an orthodox synagogue on Dempster will go before the Skokie Board of Trustees. Skokie Review, Thursday, January 29, 1987, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Synagogues, Skokie Plan Commission
Commission to consider fast food moratorium 1987-01-08 The Skokie Board of Trustees has asked the Plan Commission to define "fast food" restaurants and to count how many restaurants in Skokie fit that definition. Skokie Review, Thursday, January 8, 1987, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission, Surveys and studies
Townhouse plan recommended 1986-12-25 The Skokie Plan Commission agreed to recommend that the village board approve a townhouse development at Gross Point Rd. and Lincoln Ave. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 25, 1986, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Town houses, Skokie Plan Commission
7-Eleven liquor plans nixed 1986-12-23 A proposed plan that would allow 7-Eleven stores to sell liquor was turned down. Life - Skokie edition, Tuesday, December 23, 1986, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, 7-Eleven
7-Eleven's request to sell freshly made food nixed 1986-12-18 Four local 7-Eleven stores will not be able to sell freshly made food items after a vote by the village board. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 18, 1986, p. 9 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, 7-Eleven
7-Eleven carryout plans nixed 1986-12-18 Plans to sell carryout food at area 7-Elevens were turned down. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 18, 1986, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, 7-Eleven
Skokie, police union agree on contract 1986-12-04 The Village of Skokie and the Skokie police union voted to accept a contract agreement. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 4, 1986, p. 3 Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 68, Skokie Board of Trustees, Contract negotiations, Skokie Police Department
Movie plan sent back for revision 1986-12-04 The Village Board sent the Plan Commission a proposal for the construction of a 2,436 seat theater complex at Golf Road and Skokie Boulevard. The commission has rejected the proposal twice in the past. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 4, 1986, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Motion picture theaters, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Police will get 4% pay increase 1986-12-04 The Skokie police department settled their first contract since forming a union. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 4, 1986, Sec. 1, p. 1 Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 68, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Contract negotiations, Salaries
7-11's request to sell liquor fizzles 1986-11-27 The Village board voted against a request to sell packaged liquor at 7-11 stores in Skokie. Skokie Review, Thursday, November 27, 1986, p. 3 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, 7-Eleven
Skokie eyes tax districts 1986-11-20 Skokie trustees acted to increase tax revenues. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 20, 1986, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Taxation
C-store rules okayed 1986-08-07 Guidelines determining what can be sold at gas station convenience stores were established by the Skokie Village Board. Skokie Review, Thursday, August 7, 1986, p. 3 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Laws and regulations
Day care programs' quality to be scrutinized by village 1986-07-24 The Skokie Village Board directed staff members to study the quality of local day care providers to help determine whether local regulation is necessary. Skokie Review, Thursday, July 24, 1986, p. 3 Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Laws and regulations
Plan to restrict parking rejected 1986-06-05 A plan to restrict parking on Crawford Avenue was rejected by village trustees. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 5, 1986, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Crawford Avenue, Parking
Changing times: Board shifts outlook on C-stores 1986-05-22 The Skokie Village Board will allow convenience items to be sold at gas stations. Skokie Review, Thursday, May 22, 1986, p. 5 Business - Mini-marts and convenience stores, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Smoke detectors in all homes given tentative okay by board 1986-04-10 The Skokie Village Board gave tentative approval to a plan that would make smoke detectors mandatory in all homes. Skokie Review, Thursday, April 10, 1986, p. 3 Safety devices and measures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department
Village manager Robert Eppley 1986-02-06 Village Manager Robert Eppley was honored by the Skokie Village Board for his 40 years of service in the public sector. Skokie Review, Thursday, February 6, 1986, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eppley, Robert, Municipal employees
Skokie to combine police, fire dispatching centers 1986-01-23 The Skokie Village Board approved on Jan. 20 a combined police and fire dispatching center to be located in the Skokie Police Station. Skokie Review, Thursday, January 23, 1986, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Skokie Police Department
Village limits police/fire reprimand appeals 1985-12-26 The right of police officers and firefighters to appeal reprimands issued by department heads to the Skokie Fire and Police Commission has been revoked by the Skokie Village Board. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 26, 1985, p. 3 Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Municipal employees, Skokie Police Department
Village stands firmly behind office projects 1985-12-19 According to a Skokie official a lawsuit filed by Quartet Manufacturing is groundless and will have no effect on a decision made by the Village Board to allow the construction of an office building. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 19, 1985, p. 18 Skokie Board of Trustees, Buildings, Litigation, Quartet Manufacturing Co.
Food for thought: 'More grocery stores needed 1985-12-12 At last week's village board meeting, Skokie Library Board President Diana Hunter asked village officials to "aggressively search out" and attract a new grocery store to the village. Skokie Review, Thursday, December 12, 1985, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Hunter, Diana, Business - Grocery stores
High-rise plan OK'd by board 1985-11-21 The controversial plan to build a five-story office building on the northeast corner of Harms and Old Orchard was approved by village trustees on November 18. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 21, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Buildings, Harmswood Office Center
Village Board expels Kinder Care's rezoning try for a day care center 1985-11-07 The Skokie Village Board rejected Kinder Care's proposal to rezone a 45,760 square foot lot at the southeast corner of Golf Road and Karlov Ave. Skokie Review, Thursday, November 7, 1985, p. 5 Child care and day care centers, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Kinder Care
Sparks fly over plan to rezone 1985-11-07 Skokie Village trustees refuse to rezone the land at the corner of Golf Road and Karlov Avenue so that a child-care facility can be built. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 7, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 1 Child care and day care centers, Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village examines reduction in PUD density allowance 1985-10-24 Skokie Village trustees sent back to the Skokie Plan Commission a proposal that would limit the number of dwellings in a planned unit development. Skokie Review, Thursday, October 24, 1985, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing
Board OKs office complex 1985-10-10 The Skokie Village Board overturned the Plan Commission's recommendation and approved the Harmswood Office Centre planned for the northeast corner of Harms and Old Orchard. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 10, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Harmswood Office Center, Skokie Plan Commission
Skokie gets 911 Monday 1985-09-22 Skokie Village trustees have adopted a plan to use a special three-digit number for emergency calls. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, September 22, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Telephones, Skokie Police Department
Change in zoning law approved 1985-09-19 Skokie village trustees voted to amend the Skokie zoning ordinance to give the village manager the power to revoke special use permits under certain conditions. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 19, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 1 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees
Parking scofflaws to get a break 1985-08-29 The village board may approve a plan to settle for a portion of fines instead of the face value of more than 11,000 parking tickets. Skokie Review, Thursday, August 29, 1985, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Crime and criminals - Traffic violations
Skokie Board rejects red center switch 1985-08-08 The Skokie Village Board unanimously rejected Chief Thomas Quillin's proposal to have the Skokie Fire Department join a regional dispatch center. Skokie Review, Thursday, August 8, 1985, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Quillin, Thomas, Skokie Fire Department
Officials balk at hiring plans for chiefs 1985-07-04 The Skokie Board of Trustees has tabled a proposal that would allow the police and fire chiefs to hire their own staff without approval from the Skokie Fire and Police Commissioners. Skokie Review, Thursday, July 4, 1985, p. 3 Skokie Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Fire Department, Skokie Police Department
Businessmen want cash to leave 1985-06-20 The Skokie Board of Trustees has decided to offer four months of free rent to the owners of seven Dempster St. businesses who have been impacted by the East Dempster St. revitalization project. Skokie Review, Thursday, June 20, 1985, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business, Dempster Street, Community development, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Board nixes permit bid 1985-05-23 Jeffrey Gross, who operates the Auto Repair Center at 3550 Dempster St., was denied a special use permit to operate a similar center at 4001 Dempster. Gross plans to sue the village. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 23, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 1 Gross, Jeff, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Condo owners want refuse debate 1985-04-18 Skokie condo owners have asked the Village Board to draft an ordinance allowing them to receive a rebate for the private garbage collection service they are forced to use. Skokie Review, Thursday, April 18, 1985, p. 5 Refuse and refuse disposal, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
Business buying begins on E. Dempster 1985-02-07 The Skokie Board approved a series of ordinances that will allow the village to acquire several parcels of land along East Dempster St. Skokie Review, Thursday, February 7, 1985, p. 5 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business, Dempster Street, Community development
High village board salaries could go higher 1985-01-10 Mayor Smith and Skokie trustees draw higher salaries than many elected officials in neighboring suburbs. Skokie Review, Thursday, January 10, 1985, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Smith, Albert J., Municipal employees, Salaries
Hospital addition OK'd 1985-01-10 The Skokie Village Board has approved a four-story addition to Old Orchard Hospital. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 10, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 2 Old Orchard Hospital, Skokie Board of Trustees, Construction, Hospitals
Talk tells timely tale of trash 1985-01-10 The Skokie Board has decided to change the village's refuse disposal site from the Waste Management landfill in Techny to the Browning-Ferris landfill in Hillside. This should save the village about $69,000 per year. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 10, 1985, Sec. 1, p. 1 Refuse and refuse disposal, Skokie Board of Trustees
Dempster plan wins support 1984-12-13 Skokie's $7.8 million Dempster St. revitalization plan was presented by village officials at the December 10 village meeting. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 13, 1984, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Dempster Street, Community development, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Cable liability alarms village 1984-12-06 Village trustees approved the addition of Aurora-based Channel 66 to the Group W cable offerings and also welcomed Group W camera crews who will be filming village board meetings throughout the year. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 6, 1984, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Group W Cable, Cable television
Hayum's hope cancelled for flower vending stay 1984-11-08 Leslie Hayum, the former flower vendor at the corner of Dempster St. and Niles Center Rd., was formally put out of business on November 5. Skokie Review, Thursday, November 8, 1984, p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business, Hayum, Leslie
Skokie trustee resigns seat 1984-04-26 Charles Conrad, a Skokie trustee for seven years, has resigned. George Van Dusen, the director of suburban operations for Democratic Congressman Sidney Yates (D-9th), was appointed to complete Conrad's turn. The News, Thursday, April 26, 1984, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Conrad, Charles, Van Dusen, George
No-smoking ordinance asked 1984-04-08 The Skokie Health Director has asked the Board of Trustees to require restaurants to provide non-smoking areas. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, April 8, 1984, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Smoking
Okay increase in cable fees 1984-04-05 The Skokie Board of Trustees has reluctantly approved a plan which would reduce cable service in Skokie and increase the fees charges by Group W. Cable. The News, Thursday, April 5, 1984, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Group W Cable, Cable television
Police station gets face lift 1984-01-19 The Village Board has voted to authorize a set of detailed architectural drawings for the renovation of the police station located at the intersection of Main Street and Laramie Avenue. The News, Thursday, January 19, 1984, p. 3 Renovation and repair, Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal buildings, Skokie Police Department
600 cheer, boo as handgun ban dies 1983-10-06 The Village of Skokie voted against the handgun-ban ordinance on October 3 by a 4-3 vote. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 6, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Firearms
Few explosions at gun hearing 1983-09-22 The Village Board heard nearly three hours of pro and anti-handgun arguments on September 19 but postponed action on a proposed gun-ban ordinance until October 3. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 22, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Firearms
Shots fired at gun-ban proposal 1983-08-04 Despite the refusal of trustees to discuss a gun-ban proposal until an ordinance is presented on September 19, a portion of the recent board meeting was dominated by citizen criticism of the ban and the way the issue has been handled. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 4, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Firearms
Trustees refer condo plan 1983-05-05 The Village Board denied a request to build two multi-unit dwellings at Oakton St. and Lowell Ave. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 5, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
Condo case still isn't resolved 1983-01-20 Village trustees were considering a proposal for a condo development adjacent to Hebrew Theological College. The proposal has now been sent back to the Plan Commission. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 20, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums
Trustees ask U.S. for nuke freeze 1982-10-28 The Skokie Village Board passed a resolution asking for a bilateral nuclear weapons freeze after hearing debate from a standing-room only crowd in Village Hall. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 28, 1982, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Citizens hot on nuclear disarmament 1982-10-07 About 70 Skokie residents came to the Village Board meeting on October 4, most of them to see the presentation to trustees of a resolution calling for the village's support of a bilateral nuclear arms freeze. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 7, 1982, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Skokie Board backs better mail facilities 1981-12-06 The Village Board authorized the creation of a resolution endorsing Morton Paradise's proposals for a satellite postal station in southeast Skokie and for improved and additional postage-dispensing equipment at the main Skokie Post Office. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, December 6, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, U.S. Postal Service, Paradise, Morton
More rain woes 1981-09-03 An ordinance requiring Skokie residents to disconnect drain spouts on their homes as a flood control measure will be drafted and presented at the Sept. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees meeting. The News, Thursday, September 3, 1981, p. 3 Flood control, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Board tries to stop floods 1981-08-27 Recent floods were discussed at the August 24 Skokie Board of Trustees meeting. The News, Thursday, August 27, 1981, p. 3 Flood control, Skokie Board of Trustees
Lindberg dies; VP of library 1981-07-16 Richard C. Lindberg, Vice-President of the Skokie Public Library Board and a former village trustee, died on July 13 at his home, 8455 N. Lockwood. He was 72. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 16, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Public Library - Board, Lindberg, Richard, Death
Officials 'interested' in merger idea 1981-06-21 Several Skokie Board of Trustees members say they are interested in exploring a possible merger with the Park District. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, June 21, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District
Will parks and village merge? 1981-06-18 A merger between the Skokie Park District and the village might be a solution to the park district's financial woes. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 18, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Park District
Fitzshall appointed to Skokie board 1981-06-04 Former village prosecutor Robert Fritzshall was sworn in as a Skokie Village Trustee on June 1. He replaces Morris Topol who recently resigned to accept an appointment as a Cook County Circuit Court judge. The News, Thursday, June 4, 1981, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Fritzshall, Robert, Topol, Morris
Topol resigns Skokie Board 1981-05-07 Morris Topol has resigned from the Skokie Board of Trustees after 12 years. He has been appointed as associate judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. The News, Thursday, May 7, 1981, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cook County Circuit Court, Courts, Topol, Morris
Insurance peacefully renewed 1981-05-07 The Skokie Board of Trustees voted to renew its self-insurance program through Arthur Gallagher and Co. through April 30, 1982 at a cost of $168,950. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 7, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Insurance, Skokie Board of Trustees, Arthur Gallagher and Co.
An ordinance establishing the compensation of the Mayor, Clerk and Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie 1981-03-19 Salaries have been set for the Skokie Mayor, Clerk and Board of Trustees. The News, Thursday, March 19, 1981, p. 20 Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Salaries
Board OKs salary hike 1981-03-12 Village board members unanimously approved their own salary increase at a meeting on March 9. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 12, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Salaries
Nine percent raises: Village approves employee pay hikes 1981-03-05 The Skokie Village Board approved a 9% cost of living wage increase for village employees which will be effective May 1. The News, Thursday, March 5, 1981, p. 2 Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Salaries
Proposed pay hike for Village Board 1981-03-05 The Village Board introduced an ordinance on March 2 which would increase salaries for the Mayor and trustees by 20% and would increase the salary of the Village Clerk by 46%. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 5, 1981, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Salaries
Board approves financing of water system 1980-12-18 Village Board approved providing new outdoor water meters for all village properties. This will eliminate the need for "estimated" water bills. The News, Thursday, December 18, 1980, p. 7 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees
Village buys 'automatic' water meters 1980-12-18 Village Board agreed to purchase equipment for a remote water meter-reading system. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 18, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie revises cable policy 1980-12-11 Village board changed the cable television franchise term from eight to ten years. The News, Thursday, December 11, 1980, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cable television
Skokie revamps police station courtroom 1980-12-04 Skokie Board voted to approve a renovation of the second floor of the Police Station which is used as a courtroom. The News, Thursday, December 4, 1980, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Police Department
Skokie gets tough on 'scoff-laws 1980-12-04 Village of Skokie wants drivers to respect its parking restrictions and intends to bring 'scoff-laws' to court. The News, Thursday, December 4, 1980, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking
Auto Laundry" gets ok to expand 1980-12-04 Village Board granted permission to expand the car wash owned by Arthur Weinstein if the 16 conditions recommended by the Plan Commission are implemented. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 4, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Car washes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Weinstein, Arthur
Hotel owners contest proposed tax 1980-11-20 Representatives of 3 Skokie hotels protested a proposed hotel/motel tax. The News, Thursday, November 20, 1980, p. 4 Business - Hotels and motels, Skokie Board of Trustees, Taxation
Village vote extends time for renters 1980-11-20 Village Board voted to allow senior citizens, disabled and families with 2 or more children one year to find housing if their apartments are converted to condos. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 20, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
New fees designed to discourage violators 1980-11-06 The Village Board passed a series of ordinances to encourage compliance with license deadlines and parking restrictions. The News, Thursday, November 6, 1980, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Withdraws rec center plan 1980-10-23 Petition to establish an electronic recreation center was refused by Village based on parking shortage. The News, Thursday, October 23, 1980, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business
Village heeds pleas for Prairie stop signs 1980-09-11 Village Board, in response to residents complaints, has agreed to the addition of stop signs on East Prairie Road. The News, Thursday, September 11, 1980, p. 8 East Prairie Road, Skokie Board of Trustees, Traffic signals
Skokie OKs Chicago Health Club concept 1980-09-11 Village Board oks concept of economic development bond requested by the Skokie Health and Tennis Club Associates. The News, Thursday, September 11, 1980, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Fitness clubs, Skokie Health and Tennis Club Associates
Real estate levy may raise $200,000 1980-09-04 Village Board is considering a new real estate transfer tax in addition to increases in five existing fees. The News, Thursday, September 4, 1980, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Mortgage revenue bonds a possibility 1980-08-28 The long awaited federal mortgage revenue sharing bonds may become available. The News, Thursday, August 28, 1980, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Mortgages
Skokie disagrees with initial census results 1980-08-07 Village officials are questioning the preliminary census count which show a significant population decrease. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 7, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Census
Health Club asks village for financing 1980-08-07 Trustees are reluctant to assist the financing of a Chicago Health Club complex on Skokie Boulevard. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, August 7, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Fitness clubs
Skokie revamps water system 1980-07-31 Village Board has approved an automated water meter reading system. The News, Thursday, July 31, 1980, p. 7 Public utilities, Skokie Board of Trustees
Trustees set village policy on cable tv 1980-07-27 By approving a policy statement on cable television Skokie trustees took a major step in the process of a franchise for the village. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, July 27, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cable television
Skokie budget increases 8.8% 1980-06-26 Village Board adopted the 1980-81 budget of $25 million including an 8.8% increase in the general fund. The News, Thursday, June 26, 1980, p. 3 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie gives $22,000: Orchard Village gets grant 1980-06-19 Orchard Village received $21,924 in revenue sharing funds from the Skokie Village Board. The News, Thursday, June 19, 1980, p. 11 Orchard Village, Skokie Board of Trustees, Grants
Could speed cases: Village funds cop computer 1980-06-19 Village board authorized funds for the Skokie Police to participate in a computer crime analysis support system. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 19, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Computers, Skokie Police Department
Ward's self-serve pumps receive Board approval 1980-06-19 Village Board approves a self-service gasoline facility at Montgomery Ward's in Old Orchard. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 19, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Montgomery Ward
Rats! Rodent population rises to 'significant problems' 1980-05-25 Village environmental health supervision met with trustees to discuss problems cause by improper garbage storage at food-handling establishments. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, May 25, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Pest control
Centreast gets boost from village 1980-05-22 Village trustees pledge revenue sharing funds to the performing arts center proposed for the Niles East building. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 22, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Buildings, Skokie Board of Trustees, Niles East High School
No 'Prohibitions' for liquor license 1980-05-01 The village board gave permission to La Rosa's restaurant to sell alcoholic beverages. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 1, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, La Rosa Cucina Italiana & Pizzeria
Skokie okays new bldg. 1980-04-24 Village Board approved construction of office and restaurant building north of Old Orchard. The News, Thursday, April 24, 1980, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Buildings
Trustees vote to catch up: Village approves 10% pay hikes 1980-03-13 Most village employees to receive 10% salary increase. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 13, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal employees, Salaries
Low-interest mortgage bill expected 1980-03-06 Village to learn if federal government will allow offering of low-interest mortgages. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 6, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Mortgages
Sign amendment OKed 1980-02-14 Village Board approved 3 amendments to the sign ordinance following a recommendation by the Appearance Commission. The News, Thursday, February 14, 1980, p. 8 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Skokie Appearance Commission
Glasshaus plan eyed once more 1980-02-07 An office building plan, originally approved in 1974, was granted an 18-month extension on the site plan. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 7, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Buildings
Golf club addition OK'd 1980-02-07 Village trustees approved two additions to the Evanston Golf Club. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 7, 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1 Renovation and repair, Evanston Golf Club, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie decides how to use grant 1980-01-31 Village Board approved the 1980-81 Block Grant budget, allocating funds to seven projects. The News, Thursday, January 31, 1980, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Grants
Village restates firefighting commitment 1980-01-24 Skokie reaffirmed the mutual aid agreement with Chicago for firefighting assistance in case of a strike in Chicago. The News, Thursday, January 24, 1980, p. 7 Safety devices and measures, Fires, Skokie Board of Trustees
Law will affect 'for sale' ads: Skokie tightens sign ordinance 1980-01-10 Village Board passed an amendment to the ordinances establishing strict guidelines for real estate signs. The News, Thursday, January 10, 1980, p. 10 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Board to switch meeting night to Tuesday 1979-12-30 Starting February 5th the Village Board will meet on Tuesdays instead of Mondays. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, December 30, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Skokie seeks outside help in cable choice 1979-12-20 Skokie Trustees decided to seek consulting services of Cable Television Information Center in selecting a cable television firm for the Village. The News, Thursday, December 20, 1979, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cable television
Skokie puts pressure on parking scofflaws 1979-12-13 Village Trustees increased the maximum parking violation fine to $200. The News, Thursday, December 13, 1979, p. 10 Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking
Homeowners spared tax rise by Finance Dept. 1979-12-06 Skokie Trustees approved a reduction in property taxes with the result home owners will pay same amount in 1979-80 as in 1978-79. The News, Thursday, December 6, 1979, p. 3 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees
Council says it opposes Siegel eviction 1979-12-06 Skokie Homeowners Council opposes the Village's decision to acquire property on Floral Avenue for municipal parking lot. The News, Thursday, December 6, 1979, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Parking, Skokie Homeowner's Council
Skokie Trustees sign off on police station on wheels 2014-02-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 27, 2014 , p. 11 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Police Department
Controversial rental housing laws approved in Skokie 2014-01-09 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 9, 2014 , p. 6 Lockerby, John, Dunsky, Marda, Skokie Voice, Housing - Apartment buildings, Residential Rental Unit Standards and Neighborhood Integrity Initiative, Sweet, George, Schwartz, Seymour, Bednarz, Floyd, Lorge, Michael, Toft, Richard, Jacobson, Howard, Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randy
Rental housing proposal sparks fiery debate in Skokie 2013-11-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 28, 2013 , p. 10 Potter, Benita, Lockerby, John, Dunsky, Marda, Frank, Howard, Irie, Rich, Landlord-Resident Advisory Committee, Housing - Apartment buildings, Van Dusen, George, Papiese, Barbara, Sweet, George, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie beekeeping rules approved after four hearings 2013-11-07 None Skokie Review, Thursday, November 7, 2013 , p. 10 Ullenbrauck, Linn, Ulrich, Ilonka, Klein, Ralph, Hobbies, Watanabe, Theo, Lorge, Michael, Shore, Debra, Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ullenbrauck, Myles, Roberts, Randy, Friends of Skokie Bees (FOSB), Counard, Dr. Catherine
Backyard beekeeping brouhaha returns Monday 2013-10-31 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 31, 2013 , p. 10 Ullenbrauck, Linn, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission, Ullenbrauck, Myles, Friends of Skokie Bees (FOSB), Counard, Dr. Catherine, Hobbies, Watanabe, Theo
Beekeepers still feel stung by proposed ordinance 2013-10-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 24, 2013 , p. 14 Ullenbrauck, Linn, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ullenbrauck, Myles, Counard, Dr. Catherine, Gudgel, Katie, Hobbies, Watanabe, Theo
Residents return to Village Board over safety concerns 2013-10-10 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 10, 2013 , p. 14 Communication, Hanna, Reine, Skokie Board of Trustees, Fell, Bonnie, Crime prevention, Van Dusen, George
Skokie gets good news on recent bond sale 2013-09-26 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 26, 2013 , p. 7 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Geem, George, TIF (Tax Increment Financing), Rigoni, Al
Residents bring crime concerns to Village Board 2013-09-19 None Skokie Review, Thursday, September 19, 2013 , p. 11 Communication, Takhsh, Alen, Skokie Board of Trustees, Crime prevention, Van Dusen, George, Zomaya, Atorina
Skokie trustees won't ban beekeeping 2013-08-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 22, 2013 , p. 10 Ullenbrauck, Linn, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ullenbrauck, Myles, Counard, Dr. Catherine, Hobbies, Watanabe, Theo, Machalinski, Carol, Shore, Debra, Jones, Bruce, Di Liscia, Elaine
Diary of a new beekeeper: Skokie backyard beekeeper fights to save hobby 2013-08-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, August 8, 2013 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Counard, Dr. Catherine, Hobbies, Watanabe, Theo
Village green-lit to buy Desiree restaurant property 2013-07-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 18, 2013 , p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Desiree Restaurant, Skokie - City planning
Skokie Village Board bans some assault weapons 2013-07-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 11, 2013 , p. 15 Schwartz, Robert, Weisman, Mike, Ordinances, Chiocca, Ellen, People for a Safer Society, Van Dusen, George, Stoneback, Denyse Wang, Romano, Vincent, Gurny, Nancy, Weintraub, David, Skokie Board of Trustees, Firearms
Skokie trustees approve $51.4 million budget 2013-06-27 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 27, 2013 , p. 8 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Day care center wins grant for key Dempster site 2013-06-13 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 13, 2013 , p. 12 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Day care, Grants
Skokie bike path grant means more consultant work 2013-05-23 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 23, 2013 , p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Sports - Cycling, Grants
Goodbyes, hellos mark historic Skokie board meeting 2013-04-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 25, 2013 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randy, Shah, Pramod, Williams, Marlene, Perille, Donald
Skokie Trustee Don Perille's 52 years of village service winds down 2013-03-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 21, 2013 , p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Resignation, Perille, Donald
Village vet hangs it up 2013-03-21 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 21, 2013 , p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Resignation, Perille, Donald
Rental licensing plan in hands of Village Board 2013-02-28 None Skokie Review, Thursday, February 28, 2013 , p. 15 Toth, Richard, Naumiak, Julie, Skokie Independent Landlord Association (SILA), Sklar, Elyn, Burman, Jeff, Landlord-Resident Advisory Committee, Housing - Apartment buildings, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald, Sweet, George, Skokie Board of Trustees
Fourteen agencies seek federal funding from Skokie 2013-01-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 24, 2013 , p. 17 Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants, Community development
Challenger to Skokie mayor kicked off ballot 2013-01-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 17, 2013 , p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Elections, Roberts, Randy, Van Dusen, George, Arden, John W., Ditlove, Sherwin, Shioura, Hilaire Fuji, Williams, Marlene, Perille, Donald, Dorf, Michael C.
Three independents to take on Caucus Party in April 2013-01-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 3, 2013 , p. 7 Elections, Politics - Caucus Party, Novak, Brian, Klein, Ralph, Van Dusen, George, Lipin, Lisa, Romano, Vincent, Williams, Marlene, Perille, Donald, Hanley, J. Patrick, Lang, Louis 'Lou', Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gray-Keeler, Karen, Bromberg, Michelle, Roberts, Randy, Shioura, Hilaire Fuji, Lorge, Michael, Ulrich, Ilonka
Mayor peeks into 2013 crystal ball 2013-01-03 None Skokie Review, Thursday, January 3, 2013 , p. 5 Elections, Politics - Caucus Party, Skokie Hospital, Skokie - City planning, Housing - Apartment buildings, Van Dusen, George, Walmart, Westfield Shoppingtown Old Orchard, Dempster Street Area Plan, Skokie Police Department, Skokie Board of Trustees
New village trustee appointed 2012-12-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, December 6, 2012 , p. 19 Skokie Board of Trustees, Gray-Keeler, Karen, Lorge, Michael
Novak announces Village Board candidacy 2012-10-25 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 25, 2012 , p. 19 Ulrich, Ilonka, Elections, Roberts, Randall, Novak, Brian, Politics - Skokie Caucus Party, Klein, Ralph, Lipin, Lisa, Sutker, Edie Sue, Skokie Board of Trustees, Gray-Keeler, Karen, Bromberg, Michelle
Main Street speed reduced despite disagreement 2012-10-11 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 11, 2012 , p. 8 Skokie Board of Trustees, Roberts, Randall, Traffic regulations, Gudgel, Katherine Ann, Skokie Police Department
Vote delayed as panel studies rental housing licensing issue 2012-10-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, October 4, 2012 , p. 18 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Apartment buildings, Van Dusen, George, Perille, Donald
Trustees give first OK to administrator pay hikes 2004-07-01 None Skokie Review, Thursday, July 1, 2004, p. 6 Luke, Sylvia, Skokie Board of Trustees, Mangler, Barbara, Dubrow, Herb, Mueller, Henry E., Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick, Salaries
Village Inn seeks relief from ban 2004-06-24 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 24, 2004, p. 3 Ordinances, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Village Inn, Gelder, Michael, Smoking, Miles, Randy
Skokie looks to obtain downtown properties 2004-06-24 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 24, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Luke, Paul, Ordinances, Parks, Village Inn, Smoking, Thompson, Tom, Miles, Randy, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, Zoning, Professional Facilities Management Inc., Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter
$80 million budget OK'd by trustees 2004-06-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 17, 2004, p. 14 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Trustees OK water rate hike 2004-06-17 None Skokie Review, Thursday, June 17, 2004, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie - Fees and fines, Nowak, Robert, Water supply
SK board rezones lot for condos 2004-06-10 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, June 10, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Zoning, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Peyer, Peter, Housing - Condominiums, Gelder, Michael
Agencies to continue sharing juvenile criminal information 2004-05-20 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 20, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 4 Public School District 73, Cook County State's Attorney, Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools), Public School District 69, Public School District 73 1/2, Parks, Skokie Police Department, Redline Cycle Services, Skokie Board of Trustees, Public School District 68, Public School District 72, Crime and criminals
Expansion OK'd for gas station 2004-05-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 6, 2004, p. 8 Mobil Oil Corporation, Citgo, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Restaurant gets OK for outdoor dining 2004-05-06 None Skokie Review, Thursday, May 6, 2004, p. 16 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission, Buffalo Wild Wings
Skokie board reviews more of village plan 2004-05-06 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 6, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Citgo, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Roberts, Randall, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations, Buffalo Wild Wings
Departments hold line in proposed Skokie budget 2004-04-29 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 29, 2004, p. 14 Skokie - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie budget continues freeze on property taxes 2004-04-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 22, 2004, p. 63 Budget and expenditures, Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees, Van Dusen, George, Rigoni, Al, Hanley, J. Patrick
Skokie Blvd. condo plan rejected 2004-04-22 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 22, 2004, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Bromberg, Michelle, Dayan, Bonnie, Weiss, Helen, Peyer, Peter, Skokie Plan Commission, Housing - Condominiums, Perille, Donald, Frankel, Maxine, Weiss, Jerry
Skokie board votes down Skokie Blvd. condo/retail proposal 2004-04-22 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 22, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Roth, Jack, Weiss Development Corporation, Skokie Board of Trustees, Dayan, Bonnie, Weiss, Helen, Housing - Condominiums, Weiss, Jerry
Spot site condo project OK'd second time around 2004-04-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 8, 2004, p. 6 Petrof, Margaret, Chelberg, Natalie, Skokie Board of Trustees, Delaney, Jane, Housing - Condominiums, Gelder, Michael, Norwood Builders Inc., Adreani, Bruce, Perille, Donald
Way cleared for Haben crematory 2004-04-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 8, 2004, p. 3 Business - Funeral homes, Skokie Board of Trustees, Haben Funeral Home
Day-care center OK'd for downtown Skokie 2004-04-08 None Skokie Review, Thursday, April 8, 2004, p. 3 Varda, Edna, Eckerling, Sam, Child care and day care centers, Skokie Board of Trustees, Swift Child Care, Perille, Donald
Condos to replace vets' headquarters 2004-04-08 None Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 8, 2004, Sec. 1, p. 1 Cox, James, Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums, Norwood Builders Inc., American Legion Hall
Trustees approve more mall booths 2004-03-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 18, 2004, p. 9 Skokie Board of Trustees, Westfield Shoppingtown Old Orchard, Business - Shopping centers
Special service district OK'd for Ionia residents 2004-03-18 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 18, 2004, p. 10 Nikchevich, Bob, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ionia Avenue, Butler, Oran, Rigoni, Al, Streets - Maintenance and repair
Skokie agrees to reconsider condo plan 2004-03-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 4, 2004, p. 9 Petrof, Margaret, Skokie Board of Trustees, McCabe, Frank, Van Dusen, George, Housing - Condominiums, Gelder, Michael, Adreani, Bruce
Brown's Chicken upgrade OK'd by village trustees 2004-03-04 None Skokie Review, Thursday, March 4, 2004, p. 9 Brown's Chicken, Luke, Paul, Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Restaurants and caterers, Skokie Plan Commission
Village Board approves tax abatement ordinance 1979-12-06 Ordinance decreasing property taxes by more than $75,000 was approved by Village on December 3rd. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, December 6, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Taxation - Property tax, Skokie Board of Trustees
WCLR gets ok on bldg. 1979-11-29 Village Board approved Plan Commission's recommendation to grant special use permit for construction of radio antenna and office building. The News, Thursday, November 29, 1979, p. 7 Zoning, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Radio and radio broadcasting, WCLR-FM
Must examine finances of cable tv: McCabe 1979-11-29 Village Board will select a cable firm in three to six months, if they decide to initiate cable television in Skokie. The News, Thursday, November 29, 1979, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cable television
He recalls Village history while waiting for eviction 1979-11-29 Robert Peter Siegel is battling the Village Board which is seeking to acquire his Floral Avenue property for use as a municipal parking lot. The News, Thursday, November 29, 1979, p. 3 Siegel, Robert Peter, Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Parking
Snow plan amended 1979-11-15 Village Trustees approved a snow plan that places all county and state roads in the Village under the snow emergency parking regulations. The News, Thursday, November 15, 1979, p. 7 Snow and ice removal, Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking
Skokie moves to evict resident, 74, despite pleas for extension 1979-11-15 Village Trustees voted to begin proceedings for the acquisition of land north of village hall. The News, Thursday, November 15, 1979, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain
74-year resident fights razing 1979-11-15 Village officials want a parcel of land on Floral Avenue for parking but the owner says he will fight to keep the property. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 15, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Parking
Cable reps tout quality of systems 1979-11-11 Three cable television company representatives made presentations to the Village Board on November 7th. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, November 11, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Cable television
Skokie may condemn property 1979-11-08 Village is considering legal proceedings to obtain several parcels of land north of village hall for parking. The News, Thursday, November 8, 1979, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain
Condemnation means parking 1979-11-08 Village Trustees are considering the condemnation of property on Floral Ave for additional parking. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 8, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Parking
Ask realty sign controls 1979-11-01 President of Skokie Condominium Home Owners Association urged the Village to adopt tighter controls on realty signs. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, November 1, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Condominium Homeowners Association, Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie grants manager authority in emergency 1979-10-11 Village Board voted to give the village manager the authority to declare a snow emergency, triggering the alternative-side parking plan. The News, Thursday, October 11, 1979, p. 6 Snow and ice removal, Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking
Skokie may be eligible for bond 1979-10-04 Village Board authorized the Village Manager to proceed with the selection of a bond underwriter and bond counsel. The News, Thursday, October 4, 1979, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Skokie condo gets 1st OK 1979-10-04 Village Board gave first approval to a 3-building, six-story condominium complex at the intersection of Lincoln and Madison. The News, Thursday, October 4, 1979, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Housing - Condominiums
Trustees proceed on bonds 1979-10-04 Village Trustees are proceeding with selection of underwriters to provide low-interest mortgages. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, October 4, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 2 Skokie Board of Trustees, Mortgages
Final OK given to Inn expansion 1979-09-06 Village Trustees approved the Plan Commission's recommendation for a special use permit to expand the Holiday Inn. The News, Thursday, September 6, 1979, p. 4 Holiday Inn North Shore, Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission
Library exec hits Board comments 1979-09-06 Diana Hunter, v.p. of the Library Board, labeled comments by the Village Board about an increase in the Library's budget as "deceptive". Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 6, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 6 Skokie Public Library - Budget and expenditures, Skokie Board of Trustees, Hunter, Diana
Holiday Inn gets boost from village 1979-09-06 Plans for additions to the Holiday Inn won tentative approval from the Village Board. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, September 6, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Business - Hotels and motels, Holiday Inn North Shore, Skokie Board of Trustees
Flooding woes delay Hilton OK 1979-08-30 Concern over flooding delayed Village Trustees decision on approval of expansion of the North Shore Hilton. The News, Thursday, August 30, 1979, p. 4 North Shore Hilton, Skokie Board of Trustees
Board proceeds with mortgage plan 1979-07-26 Village Trustees approved ordinance outlining the procedures for the sale of residential mortgage revenue bonds. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 26, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Mortgages
Psychiatric hospital no longer needs doctor 1979-07-19 Village Trustees approved recommendation no longer requiring a licensed physician to be at Old Orchard Hospital 24 hours a day. The News, Thursday, July 19, 1979, p. 3 Old Orchard Hospital, Skokie Board of Trustees, Hospitals
Taj Mahal' gas station gets permit 1979-07-15 Village Board approves special permit to rebuild gas station at East Prairie and Golf as self-service facility. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, July 15, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Change in Bldg. Plan 1979-07-05 Village Trustees voted to modify the plans of the building for the senior housing at Lincoln and Galitz to include the Office of Aging. The News, Thursday, July 5, 1979, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees
New senior center plan approved 1979-07-05 Village Trustees approved housing the Office on Aging at the senior citizen building under construction at Lincoln and Galitz. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, July 5, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Municipal buildings, Municipal employees
Skokie offers to hike bus subsidy 1979-06-14 Skokie Trustees voted to offer to increase the village's subsidy to the RTA to avoid losing 2 local bus routes. The News, Thursday, June 14, 1979, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Regional Transit Authority (RTA), Transportation
Sign ordinance may undergo 3 changes 1979-05-10 Village Trustees will consider amendments to its sign ordinance regulating the size, product identification, and space allotment of signs. The News, Thursday, May 10, 1979, p. 6 Advertising, signs and sign boards, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Elderly housing snags in Skokie 1979-05-10 Village Trustees postponed approval of the construction of a congregate living facility for the elderly at the corner of Howard and Kostner. The News, Thursday, May 10, 1979, p. 4 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie raises drinking age 1979-05-03 Village Trustees unanimously voted to raise the drinking age to 21. The law will go into effect 10 days after it is given legal notice. The News, Thursday, May 3, 1979, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Alcohol
Skokie drinking age raised 1979-05-03 Village Trustees used their home rule powers to raise the minimum legal drinking age to 21. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, May 3, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol
Village building contract under fire 1979-04-26 Village Trustees are requesting an ordinance prohibiting municipal contracts with any individual or business convicted of bid-rigging. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 26, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Considers banning sale to minors: Skokie debates paraphernalia law 1979-04-19 Article on what the community has done to urge the Village to ban or regulate the sale and display of drug-related paraphernalia. The News, Thursday, April 19, 1979, p. 8 Drugs, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie considers raising drinking age back to 21 1979-04-19 Village Trustees are preparing an ordinance raising the drinking age in Skokie from 18 for beer and wine to 21 for all alcoholic beverages. The News, Thursday, April 19, 1979, p. 13 Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Alcohol
Smith vows pot equipment battle 1979-04-19 Village trustees are considering stronger regulations on the sale of both pot paraphernalia and alcohol. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, April 19, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Drugs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Alcohol, Business
Pot paraphernalia ban to be probed 1979-04-15 If Village Trustees approve an ordinance banning the sale of pot paraphernalia, they may be sued by the ACLU. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, April 15, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Drugs, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Seeks ban on paraphernalia: Skokie to hear pot law Monday 1979-04-12 Consumer Affairs Commission will present to the Village Board its proposed ordinance banning the sale of pot paraphernalia. The News, Thursday, April 12, 1979, p. 4 Skokie Consumer Affairs Commission, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances
Skokie okays self-service gas 1979-03-29 Upon the Plan Commission recommendation the Village Board voted not to limit the number of conversions of gas stations from full to self-service. The News, Thursday, March 29, 1979, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Curtain stays up at Skokie Theater 1979-03-29 The Village Trustees will drop plans to acquire the Skokie Theater property. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 29, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Theater
Home for elderly okayed 1979-03-22 Despite disapproval from residents, the Village Board rezoned the property and okayed a congregate facility for the elderly at Howard and Kostner Avenues. The News, Thursday, March 22, 1979, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees
Citizens protest demolition: Petition Board not to condemn 1979-03-22 Village Board will not acquire the Skokie Theater because of " the large number of people that have displayed interest in the theater". The News, Thursday, March 22, 1979, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Eminent domain, Skokie Theatre
The multi-media group... 1979-03-22 Skokie Art Guild multi-media group will exhibit their works at the Library. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 22, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 14 Skokie Board of Trustees,
Last picture show at Village theater 1979-03-15 Village Trustees have reaffirmed their intention to acquire the Skokie Theater property and construct a parking lot. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 15, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Parking, Skokie Theater
Senior buses get go-ahead 1979-03-08 Niles Township Board will pay 2/3 of the cost of a bus service for the aged in Skokie. Skokie will pay the other 1/3. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 8, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 2 Skokie Board of Trustees, Niles Township Board of Trustees, Transportation, Aged
PR firm won't be renewed 1979-03-01 Village Trustees defeated a move to renew Skokie's contract with Aaron Cushman and Associates. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, March 1, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Public relations, Skokie Board of Trustees, Aaron Cushman and Associates
Suburbs brace for thaw flood after heavy snow 1979-02-15 Village Trustees voted to take immediate action to make Skokie eligible for federal flood insurance. The News, Thursday, February 15, 1979, p. 3 Insurance, Skokie Board of Trustees, Floods
Skokie asked to buy Niles East 1979-02-08 Concerned Citizens of District 219 asked the village of Skokie to purchase the Niles East building. The News, Thursday, February 8, 1979, p. 3 Public School District 219 (Niles Township High Schools) - Buildings, Concerned Citizens of District 219, Skokie Board of Trustees, Niles East High School
Skokie drops its Spirit campaign 1979-02-01 Skokie will not extend its contract with the publicity firm which initiated the "Skokie Spirit" campaign. The News, Thursday, February 1, 1979, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Spirit
Skokie adopts snow measures 1979-02-01 Village Trustees adopted an ordinance increasing the fine from $25 to $500 for illegally parked cards during snow emergencies. The News, Thursday, February 1, 1979, p. 4 Snow and ice removal, Skokie Board of Trustees, Ordinances, Parking
Community development funds for snow 1979-02-01 With snow removal costs at $500,000 Village Trustees voted to use $90,000 in CDBG funds to "alleviate temporary emergency conditions". Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 1, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Snow and ice removal, Skokie Board of Trustees, Community Development Block Grants
PR firm contract ended 1979-02-01 Village Trustees agreed not to extend the contract with the PR firm, Aaron Cushman and Associates. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, February 1, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Public relations, Skokie Board of Trustees, Aaron Cushman and Associates
Dist. 65 group asks Village aid 1979-01-18 A citizens action group concerned about changes in District 65 informed Skokie officials the changes can affect the stability of the area. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 18, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 5 Skokie Board of Trustees, Timber Ridge Magnet School (formerly Timber Ridge Elementary School), Public School District 65 - Board
Drinking age: Going up? Skokie is considering ordinance 1979-01-11 Village Trustees are considering a ordinance raising the drinking age to 21. In 1973 Illinois lowered the legal age. Home Rule allows the Trustees to change the age. The News, Thursday, January 11, 1979, p. 3 Skokie Board of Trustees, Government - Illinois, Alcohol
Skokie reviews public relations contract 1979-01-11 Village to decide if the contract with a Chicago public relations firm will be renewed. Life - Skokie edition, Thursday, January 11, 1979, Sec. 1, p. 1 Public relations, Skokie Board of Trustees
Skokie okays a sixth self-serve station 1978-11-16 The sixth self-service gas station was approved by the Village Board. The News, Thursday, November 16, 1978, p. 6 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Skokie upholds food sale ban at service stations 1978-11-05 A 1973 prohibition on the sale of non-automotive items by service stations was upheld by the Village Board on October 30th. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, November 5, 1978, Sec. 1, p. 2 Skokie Board of Trustees, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Mull station controls 1978-10-08 Village Board asked the Plan Commission to determine what controls can be adopted to stop the spread of self-service gas stations. Life - Skokie edition (Weekend edition), Sunday, October 8, 1978, Sec. 1, p. 1 Skokie Board of Trustees, Skokie Plan Commission, Business - Automobile service stations and gas stations
Village hoping for flood relief 1978-10-05 Homeowners expressed concern about flooded basements at a Village Board meeting. The News, Thursday, October 5, 1978, p. 4 Skokie Board of Trustees, Floods
Flooded Village storms council 1978-09-21 Concerned citizens attended the Village Board meeting to voice concern over the recent problem of flooded basements and streets. The News, Thursday, September 21, 1978, p. 7 Skokie Board of Trustees, Floods
Elderly housing nearer: Skokie passes unit, Court okays another 1978-09-14 Village Board approved Plan Commission's recommendation to grant Council for Jewish Elderly request to build long-term care facility. The News, Thursday, September 14, 1978, p. 3 Housing - Senior housing, nursing homes, and assisted living, Skokie Board of Trustees,